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Everything posted by ajtechy369

  1. So I bought and installed KSP2 on Steam. Then when I started it, all I was getting was the music and a black screen, so then I closed it and reset my computer and tried again which then gave me a picture and eventually got to the point where I could start a campaign, however, once I set it up it just kept playing the music and a black screen for nearly an hour....just nothing at all, even at lower settings, and even when bypassing steam and launching from the .exe file in folder. I've got an AMD Radeon 6700XT 12GB VRAM, 16 GB RAM, AMD Ryzen 5 3600X. All within the recommended specifications, so I don't know what else to do. I've got my Ksp2.log file link - here -----> https://drive.google.com/file/d/1wtIY5iWC4uLtqfsSc31vxII6pX_jrjwB/view?usp=sharing Please someone help me out!!?? Here's a link to a copy of the KSP folder from the appdata location: --------> https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1-Nu9gUhP_kewAPXYHDr2rPkYhU_e2Hhc?usp=sharing
  2. Hello, My name is AJ, and I have a problem. After adding a couple mods and updating a few other ones when I started up KSP I got huge warnings about FATAL errors in a mod that was working just fine before but as far as I know I didn't change anything with that specific mod, Tweakscale. I have provided a link to the log files that you requested so that you might be able to help me. Please just follow this link and it will take you to both of them. If there is anything else that you might need don't hesitate to ask. Thank you, ajtechy369
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