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White Owl

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Everything posted by White Owl

  1. It's disappointing that this this simple but excellent mod gets so little attention. It's such a simple fix. Needs to be stock.
  2. I'm still playing with settings, looking for the best balance. Right now I haven't touched the ground ambient light... but then, I haven't been recording in the dark on the ground either. The vacuum light intensity I changed to .175 and that seems to work okay. Spacecraft are clearly visible in the recording, but night still looks dark. Playing around with it some more, it looks like you might bet away with settings as low as .125 or so, depending on what you're recording and what look you're trying for.
  3. Might this mod be compatible with Flight Manager for Reusable Stages? Has anybody tried it? I'm thinking specifically of a launch stage that needs to be piloted through reentry and landing, so just adding a parachute and getting funds back isn't as good.
  4. I have to wonder if Squad only made this suggestion to see exactly what the response would be. Send up a balloon to see who shoots at it, ya know? It just doesn't make sense any other way.
  5. Thank you very much! I just tried it out, and this will work just fine. Thanks.
  6. They're not explicitly called lifting bodies ingame, but FAR does apply lift to all kinds of fuel tanks and other fuselage pieces. And PWings are more than flexible enough to stand in for lifting bodies. I routinely make my wings fat enough to blend smoothly into the central fuselage; that's a lifting body in all but name.
  7. Ah, so the exhaust residue isn't as toxic as the fuel. That makes a lot of sense, thanks.
  8. So if I want to role-play that toxic RCS fuel could actually hurt my kerbals, then high-test peroxide is probably the best choice? Although I note that both Apollo and the Shuttle used hydrazine in various forms, and both involved EVA crews touching things outside before reentering the spaceship and taking the suit off, and apparently people didn't get sick. How did they manage that, anyway?
  9. For pure aesthetics, I agree with you! Darker is good. I was just speaking up because the primary way I play this game is through making videos - it's a fun hobby - and graphics for video making usually need to be brighter than what looks best for just playing. I can slightly adjust levels in the editing process, but that only goes so far. I've been dependent on Ambient Light Adjustment to make night scenes watchable. Anyway, I hate to complain about a problem that only a few people would encounter... but I also really want to show off this mod, because it looks so great!
  10. My apologies if I'm not using the options correctly, but all I found was a way to make night scenes approximately as bright as stock, and no brighter.
  11. I'm sure the darkness is very realistic, and also aesthetically pleasing to many people. Unfortunately, darkness just doesn't work for a YouTube video; people need to be able to see what's happening. I love the reflected light! Beautiful effect! But... I want this mod to work with Ambient Light Adjustment, so it isn't so obscuringly dark all the time. Please. Version 1.4 appeared to be compatible, but not 2.1, unless I missed an option.
  12. Here's another good one; maybe you can talk to slumpie about including it: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/96339-0-25-StockScalingBugFix-V2-MM-Update-fixed-some-mishaps
  13. Thumbs down for changing it to a six hour day! I like the 24 hour day. As to matching the clock, just change that option in KSP's settings and it matches fine.
  14. Yeah, that's what I've used in the past, and that's what I was trying now. It doesn't appear to be able to read the thrust and Isp of alternate-fueled RCS ports. Not even if I set them to use monopropellant. Anyway, that's probably a Mechjeb limitation, not a Real Fuels limitation.
  15. I know it isn't NathanKell's or RealFuel's problem, but I figure somebody in this thread will know. What's the best tool for displaying delta-V from RCS with all these different fuels?
  16. Okay, so I need to install the required mods but don't worry about these parts conflicting. Cool.
  17. So for creating a new node, this tool should be used to find the coordinates. Write them down, delete the new node, exit the game, and add the new node in the part config file, is that right? Any way this could be used to add a docking port to a simple structural part?
  18. I downloaded but haven't tried it out yet. Looking at your first post, I see I'll at least need Procedural Parts, Collisions Strike Back, Infernal Robotics, and Tal's Cargo Solutions. Anything else? Installing your configs will probably drastically change the way most of those mods work, so I'm guessing I should do this on a clean install, new save, right?
  19. I'm impressed! I've long wanted to see a system for players to engineer their own engines and other complex systems. Ideally, I'd like to see your kind of effort rewarded by the ingame creation of a single-part engine with identical stats, so it would be usable without so many parts and all their resources.
  20. I just reflew the mission, and everything worked perfectly. Was unable to reproduce the problem. So... let's just assume I did something wrong the first time, I guess.
  21. First time trying this mod out, since I haven't been much of a career mode player. I like the aerial survey missions, but have a problem. Two of my survey sites won't complete. I'm flying at the appropriate altitude (which you really should specify as AGL or ASL, by the way), passing straight through the target marker on the navball... and nothing happens. I read the message that I'm approaching the survey area, so that part's working. Just not the finish. The very first aerial survey site in the same mission was at KSC itself, and that one completed as soon as I took off. So that part is working. Is it maybe a conflict with RSS or some other mod? The rover missions work fine in this same mod soup.
  22. I have to report that the earlier issue with the pilot disappearing, and the staging not working, has returned in 3.0.
  23. I personally don't have any need for alternate launch sites, but I know other people like to use them. That's the only reason I mentioned it. I tried your EVE configs for Astronomer's pack, and they seemed to work okay. I still saw a little bit of z-fighting, but not bad. Unfortunately, I subsequently realized I don't like Astronomer's pack because it makes all the colors washed out, and the details blurry. And now that I'm finally homing in on exactly what parts packs I want for a campaign / video series... there's no RAM left over for clouds, anyway!
  24. I love these docking ports. The stock ports are so ugly, and don't even make sense visually. These are great.
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