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Everything posted by Kjartan90

  1. *FIXED IT!! Installed a version for for 1.7 and now it works. Sorry for bothering you. (It's my first post om here, cant seem to delete it ) Sorry to bother you guys. i did an install on my laptop with rp-1 RO and all that jazz, then a couple of days later on my pc. "In the editor (VAB or SPH), hold the Alt key while clicking on a part. A two line menu will be shown, giving you the option to block the part in the scene you are currently in (VAB or SPH), or block it entirely." When i click on a part with the ALT key down, the menu does not pop up, it works fine on my laptop. i have clickthrough blocker installed, anyone have an idea what might be the problem? Thanks in advance Btw, love this mod @linuxgurugamer
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