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Everything posted by Dhruv

  1. I've made this craft inspired above but i can't seem to get Deploy angle and Authority Limiter right? Can anyone help
  2. So It's been a while since I used SCANsat and I don't know what went wrong, I used advanced multi spectral sensor to find anomalies but couldn't find any on the scanned map?! Should I use some other sensor or is there some issues with the mod? mod version 1.20.4, KSP version 1.12.5
  3. Super excited for the game, especially after watching ESA gameplay videos from famous guys on youtube like: matt lowne, scott manly, tim dodd and others, I can say there will be a huge learning curve and forgetting all those old KSP-1 muscle memory. It looks super fun, hopefully everything works out great. Can't wait to test it!
  4. Problem solved! I bought a new PC to play with Jokes aside, I didn't update to 12.4. Now works....
  5. I know it is funny but for some reason OPT fuel tanks stopped working, like there is no fuel in them. I freshly installed both game and the mod but the fuel tanks are static objects now for me! A help or idea would be great! thanks....
  6. I have the same issue for OPT craft. for me it is either not lifting or the whole aircraft YAWs suddenly. I am confused if it is either due to wings or engines. I guess wings cuz when using stock engines the same spinning mid air happens. I reckon you found the fix, can you please tell me how did you do that?? Thanks! I mean it happens when I use OPT parts to make the craft either the craft dosen't generate lift or it spins mid air uncontrollably Here is the full log file https://drive.google.com/file/d/1aw45yNzZBft9RA6ppzOvdM5E2JJNfsM1/view?usp=share_link
  7. @JadeOfMaar the issue regarding flight time has been resolved although Ranger seems to be a bit difficult to control?! Its like even after solving issue regarding propellent one of the engines (Right one in particular) seems to give up and the ship starts spinning Any idea why is it doing so....?
  8. I got your point on engine part. So basically, one of the engines flame out when electric charge is empty and the other keeps runnung, well i guess that is issue with the part I found the fix to that as well. all you need to do is go to Power.cfg and find ""// Ranger"" Below that change both ratios of liquid fuel and oxidizer to 0.01 like you said and electric charge to 1000. Now you will not run out of electric charge but your fuel and oxidizer will decrease slowly Basically, what we are doing is producing more electric charge with less propellent consumption. It's all about trial and error and messing with .cfg file
  9. Flying Ranger is simple, make diffrent action groups for VTOL and Cooper engines, also don't forget to activate Fuel cells before firing up engines. Use SAS for stability. For power check out the fix I mentioned before your post
  10. Right! So I have a Good News and a Bad News The Bad News is none of the mods that you mentioned will work, it only makes the experience more complicated and worse. First let's get this clear: FusionPellets option is seen when using WBI Classic stock and Tokamak Fusion reactor option is seen when using B9 Part Switch. Using combination of the mods mentioned does not seem to work in any case! The Good News is that I got the fix on how to increase the flight time WITHOUT USING MODS! The trick is that you need to mess with config files. I'd suggest remove the mods that you are using already for FusionPellets and Tokamak Fusion Reactor. (your wish, if you don't want to) First go to: GameData > Endurance > Patches > Power.cfg Delete Power.cfg and If you don't want to delete mods for fusion pellets, Delete Power2.cfg Now Copy the following in NotePad and rename it Power.cfg and paste it where the original file was! For Power2.cfg I will leave it for you. All you need to do is change FillAmount = 100 & Ratio's for Liquid Fuel = 0.1 and Oxidizer = 0.1 and Electric Charge = 500 and some extras! However you can keep the desired amount as per your wish to make missions more realistic In order to remove fusionPellets completely you have to manually do some work and sadly I cannot guide you since I have no experience in it But, If you need file for Power2.cfg let me know, I will edit and post it here HAVE FUN & DON'T GO GENTLE INTO THAT GOOD NIGHT
  11. Hey I've tried to use RTGs but it clearly dosen't work. I can only see Fuel Cell option but don't know how to increase flight time, can you either guide how to use tokamak fusion or alternative option that I can try. Thanks in advance!
  12. From your question. I guess no! Because it is absolutely un realistic and impossible to achieve speed of light in KSP (1 or 2) as it is a game which realistic physics and other things cannot be replicated (It can be by mods but let's not talk about it) Say if you've reached speed of light in game the chances are either the game gets crashed or as you've mentioned above it will be hard to adjust course after that speed is attained. Moreover once that speed is achieved you will require same amount of reverse speed to slow it down and then change the course and then again repeat the same process which is useless and not fun. The better way to solve this issue is to use time lapse to see the effect of ships moving fast along with time and there is no time delay which will cause the effects of special relativity and there will be difference in the in game clock. It will be an immense hard work and extremely difficult to code to add the effects of special relativity in game like KSP where they focus in making players learn about space travel and stuff.... So I in conclusion no is the answer
  13. Works perfectly for KSP 1.12.3 and both male and female kerbals has animations and moving joints!
  14. @linuxgurugamer I am providing full KSP log file as I don't know where and how to check, please have a look and let me know the issue, Thank you KSP.log https://drive.google.com/file/d/18-7Yt7MCBcMNNdMS0azmkpXHvuMp6H23/view?usp=sharing
  15. Also are kerbals meant to float when during animation editing? And is there any way to do animations when not floating or having feet on ground?!
  16. Hello, Just wanted to report an issue that I'm facing! The thing is that I cannot do animations on female kerbals, Like I tried to do animations with valentina but nothing comes when I click new animations. It works on male kerbals but not female ones. Currently running on v 1.10.1 with mod v1.3.0
  17. Alright!, So here is how it goes, THE EASIEST WAY TO MAKE CUSTOM INSTANCE: 1) Import your .craft file in 'Blender' and then export it in the form of .mu file. Save it anywhere because we will make a separate folder. 2) Make a folder in KSP>GameData and name it what ever you want [Example: Statics]. And paste the .mu file of your craft in that folder. 3) Now is working part: Simply copy and paste the given stuff and save it as .cfg file and name it with the exact name as your .mu file Don't change anything except: mesh, name, author, title, category, manufacturer & description. 4) Paste this file in the same folder which has your .mu file. The KK will automatically detect it as static and will show in game! Now your custom Static is ready and will be shown in KK instances in game. NOTE: the instance won't have any textures, it will be grey. So you have to make textures in Blender and then export it as .mu file Thanks to @Caerfinon & @ColdJ for Ideas and It works 100% (Tried in v1.10.1) Here is the photo for reference:
  18. So basically, we can go with option 1 and may be write a config file as a static as mentioned by @ColdJ (Which might not be necessary for whole rocket as I am not building it with seperate parts as statics) and hopefully we can have a custom static! Let me try and then I'll let you know what happens!
  19. Hey anyone has any idea on how to make an existing rocket as an instance so that we can use it as a show model around KSC??
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