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Everything posted by Elude

  1. I find it rather unnecessary for each rocket to give off its own individual particle effect. It would be nice if somehow the game could manifest a single effect for all the rockets going of when they are grouped together and only spawn their own individual effects when they separate. This would help performance tremendously if it could be done.
  2. There would be a way to practice this is if you sent a space craft out beyond the planet and gave it its own orbit around the sun and then send out a second craft to attempt to chase after it lol. Granted though it\'d be a smaller target with no gravitational assist so it\'d be more then just practice but an overall harder goal hahah.
  3. Bump I suppose both these questions don\'t have to be answered as I\'m sure optimization techniques like the one I posted would obviously be done in later versions of the game. Being able to lock the camera to the craft though is something I would love to see in early versions of the game. I\'ve yet to make the purchase to the full game yet and have been playing the demo hours on end but I have been keeping tabs on what has changed from version to version, it would be awesome to see such a feature when I have finally made up my decision to buy it. Thanks and best of luck!
  4. I\'ve yet to purchase the game yet but the demo is great! This game definitely has tons of potential, though I\'m probably going to hold off on purchasing for a bit as I don\'t feel too comfortable with it possibly being slightly more developed than the current demo. I wish you guys the best of luck!
  5. Is there a way to lock the camera to a fixed position attached to the craft? This would make navigating around other space crafts so much easier, as of right now I tend to get the directional keys mixed up in space when using the RCS controls because the craft is constantly changing directions different from the cameras. Also what kinds of plans are there for optimization? The game lags severely when building complex rockets and I have a relatively powerful machine. It feels so unnecessary to me for 12 different rockets all going off at the same time to be casting individual particle effects when they could potentially just be replaced by a larger less dense particle effect when they are grouped (this goes for explosions too).
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