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Everything posted by ImAKerbal
Ksp RO black loading screen is stuck.
ImAKerbal replied to ImAKerbal's topic in KSP1 Technical Support (PC, modded installs)
Thanks, I checked the logs and when I got to the error area it said something about not being able to load a certain sound for Real Solar System. I was told that this shouldn't change anything. I checked multiple tutorials and asked many RO users how to install it and did exactly what they did and no fix. What should I do? Do you want me to post my logs? -
Ksp RO black loading screen is stuck.
ImAKerbal replied to ImAKerbal's topic in KSP1 Technical Support (PC, modded installs)
Thanks, I can only find the Kopernicus and Module Manger logs but my spec are this: Manufacturer: Acer Model: Nitro AN515-54 Processor: Intel (R) Core (TM) i5-9300H CPU @ 2.40GHz 2.40 GHz Installed Ram: 8.00 GB (7.85 GB usable) System type: 64-bit operating system, x64-based processor no pen and touch The only mods im using is RO, RSS, RSS 2048-1080 textures, and Scatterer -
Whenever I try to open ksp it gets through the entire loading process but when it is done loading and switches to the black loading screen with the planets on the bottom right it just stays like that and never loads. I know it's not frozen because I can move my mouse around and go to other apps without windows telling me ksp is not responding. How do you fix this?(for realism overhaul)
KOS script not working
ImAKerbal replied to ImAKerbal's topic in KSP1 Technical Support (PC, modded installs)
ok thanks -
Not to sure were to put this but i'm pretty sure this is were I should. I have a problem with my Kos script where it wont launch my falcon 9. I'm using the tundra mod and the script should be able to run it. What it's supposed to do it launch the rocket get the other stages to orbit while the first stage does a boost back and lands back on the launch pad. When I press 2 (the action group to toggle the control thingy for KOS) nothing happens. BTW I did not make this script I watched a tutorial for space x landings here are the scripts Script 1: // Ah yes // Mission Setup wait until ag6. missionSetup( // Will change depending on mission "ASDS", // ["ASDS"] | ["RTLS"] | ["AOTL"] | ["EEHL"] 500000, // Target Orbit (Meters) (Station Freedom - 210000) 28.6, // Target Inclination (Degrees) "Cargo", // ["Cargo"] false // Wait for launch window? (true / false) ). function missionSetup { parameter lMode, tOrbit, tInc, pType, window. clearscreen. // LandingMode Setup print "Landing Mode: " + lMode. if (lMode = "ASDS" or lMode = "AOTL") {global a is 120. global fuelToLand is 5000.} // 80 else {set a to 130. set fuelToLand to 5800.} // TargetOrbit Setup if (tOrbit < 100000) {print "Target Orbit too low: " + tOrbit. abort on.} else {print "Target Orbit: " + tOrbit.} global atmosphericAlt is body:atm:height. global targetOrbit is tOrbit. // TargetInclination Setup if (tInc > 90) {print "Target Inclination too high: " + tInc. abort on.} else if (tInc < -90) {print "Target Inclination too low: " + tInc. abort on.} else {print "Target Inclination: " + tInc.} global targetInclination is tInc. lights on. // PayloadType Setup print "Payload Type: " + pType. if (pType = "Cargo") {global hasFairings is true. global fairingSepAlt is 80000. cargoFlight().} // 90 timer } // Other Variables function pitchOfVector { parameter vecT. return 90 - vang(ship:up:vector, vecT). } // Cargo Ascent Functions function cargoFlight { // Steeringmanager Setup set steeringmanager:rollts to 25. set steeringmanager:maxstoppingtime to 10. set orbitalInsertionBurnLock to true. // Script Setup runOncePath("0:/lib_lazcalc"). // Liftoff toggle ag2. wait 10. stage. lock throttle to 1. wait 2. stage. lock steering to up. wait 8. print "Liftoff". wait 1.5. if verticalSpeed > 1 { print "Nominal liftoff". } else { print "Abort activated". abort on. shutdown. } // Functions cargoAscent(). cargoMeco(). cargoSecondStage(). cargoOrbitalBurn(). } function cargoAscent { local azimuth_data is LAZcalc_init(targetOrbit, targetInclination). local slope is (0-90) / (1000 * (a - 10 - a * 0.05) - 0). until (ship:liquidfuel <= fuelToLand + 100) { local pitch is slope * ship:apoapsis + 90. if pitch < 0 { set pitch to 0. } if pitch > pitchOfVector(velocity:surface) + 5 { set pitch to pitchOfVector(velocity:surface) + 5. } else if pitch < pitchOfVector(velocity:surface) - 5 { set pitch to pitchOfVector(velocity:surface) -5. } local azimuth is LAZcalc(azimuth_data). lock steering to heading(azimuth, pitch). } } function cargoMeco { wait until (ship:liquidfuel <= fuelToLand + 100). rcs on. set currentFacing to facing. lock steering to currentFacing. wait until (ship:oxidizer <= fuelToLand). lock throttle to 0. lock steering to currentFacing. wait 0.5. print "MECO". rcs on. toggle ag8. stage. print "STAGE SEP". wait 3.5. lock throttle to 1. print "SSI1". } function cargoSecondStage { lock steering to currentFacing. wait 5. lock steering to prograde. when (ship:altitude >= fairingSepAlt and hasFairings = true) then { stage. print "Fairing sep". } when missionTime >= 280 then { print "Signal Kermuda, Stage 2 FTS Safed". } wait until (ship:apoapsis >= targetOrbit). lock throttle to 0. print "SECO1". wait until (ship:altitude >= atmosphericAlt). set orbitalInsertionBurnLock to false. print "Atmospheric Exit". print eta:apoapsis. } function cargoOrbitalBurn { set targetVel to sqrt(ship:body:mu / (ship:orbit:body:radius + ship:orbit:apoapsis)). set apVel to sqrt(((1 - ship:orbit:eccentricity) * ship:orbit:body:mu) / ((1 + ship:orbit:eccentricity) * ship:orbit:semimajoraxis)). set dv to targetVel - apVel. set myNode to node(time:seconds + eta:apoapsis, 0, 0, dv). add myNode. lock steering to lookdirup(ship:prograde:vector, heading(180, 0):vector). set nd to nextNode. set max_acc to ship:maxthrust / ship:mass. set burn_duration to nd:deltav:mag / max_acc. wait until nd:eta <= (burn_duration / 2 + 60). set np to nd:deltav. lock steering to np. wait until vang(np, ship:facing:vector) < 0.33. wait until nd:eta <= (burn_duration / 2). set dv0 to nd:deltav. set done to false. until done { wait 0. set max_acc to ship:maxthrust / ship:mass. lock throttle to min(nd:deltav:mag / max_acc, 1). print "SSI2". if vdot(dv0, nd:deltav) < 0 { lock throttle to 0. print "SECO2". break. } if nd:deltav:mag < 0.1 { wait until vdot(dv0, nd:deltav) < 0.5. lock throttle to 0. print "SECO2". shutdown. sas on. } } } Script 2: // Elixer Space Company - ASDS Script [version 0.3.1] // Landing Parameters parameter landingZone is latlng(-0.0972081051142032, -74.5576756827403). // Initialization wait until ag8. rcs on. set currentFacing to facing. lock steering to currentFacing. wait 3. // ASDS & AOTL Functions clearscreen. print "Elixer Landing Software". print "-". set steeringManager:maxstoppingtime to 5. set steeringManager:rollts to 20. // Landing Variables set radarOffset to 21.15. // This must be changed to the height of the landing vehicle (on gear) lock trueRadar to alt:radar - radarOffset. lock g to constant:g * body:mass / body:radius^2. lock maxDecel to (ship:availablethrust / ship:mass) - g. lock stopDist to ship:verticalspeed^2 / (2 * maxDecel). lock idealThrottle to stopDist / trueRadar. lock impactTime to trueRadar / abs(ship:verticalspeed). lock aoa to 30. lock errorScaling to 1. // Guidance Functions function getImpact { if addons:tr:hasimpact { return addons:tr:impactpos. } return ship:geoposition. } function lngError { return getImpact():lng - landingZone:lng. } function latError { return getImpact():lat - landingZone:lat. } function errorVector { return getImpact():position - landingZone:position. } function getSteering { local errorVector is errorVector(). local velVector is -ship:velocity:surface. local result is velVector + errorVector*errorScaling. if vang(result, velVector) > aoa { set result to velVector:normalized + tan(aoa)*errorVector:normalized. } return lookdirup(result, facing:topvector). } rcs on. lock steering to srfretrograde. brakes on. wait until ship:verticalspeed <-700. lock throttle to 1. lock aoa to -5. lock steering to getSteering(). toggle ag1. toggle ag7. rcs off. wait until ship:verticalspeed > -200. lock throttle to 0. lock aoa to 17.5. lock steering to getSteering(). steeringManager:resettodefault(). rcs on. wait until alt:radar < 12000. lock aoa to 10. wait until alt:radar < 7000. lock aoa to 5. WAIT UNTIL ship:verticalspeed < -10. rcs on. when impactTime < 2.75 then {gear on.} WAIT UNTIL trueRadar < stopDist. lock throttle to 1. lock aoa to -3. lock steering to getSteering(). wait until ship:verticalspeed > -45. toggle ag1. lock throttle to idealThrottle. lock aoa to -2. lock steering to getSteering(). when impactTime < 0.75 then {lock steering to heading(90, 90).} WAIT UNTIL ship:verticalspeed > -0.1. lock steering to up. set ship:control:pilotmainthrottle to 0. RCS off. Script 3: //This file is distributed under the terms of the MIT license, (c) the KSLib team //=====LAUNCH AZIMUTH CALCULATOR===== //~~LIB_LAZcalc.ks~~ //~~Version 2.2~~ //~~Created by space-is-hard~~ //~~Updated by TDW89~~ //~~Auto north/south switch by undercoveryankee~~ @LAZYGLOBAL OFF. FUNCTION LAZcalc_init { PARAMETER desiredAlt, //Altitude of desired target orbit (in *meters*) desiredInc. //Inclination of desired target orbit PARAMETER autoNodeEpsilon IS 10. // How many m/s north or south // will be needed to cause a north/south switch. Pass zero to disable // the feature. SET autoNodeEpsilon to ABS(autoNodeEpsilon). //We'll pull the latitude now so we aren't sampling it multiple times LOCAL launchLatitude IS SHIP:LATITUDE. LOCAL data IS LIST(). // A list is used to store information used by LAZcalc //Orbital altitude can't be less than sea level IF desiredAlt <= 0 { PRINT "Target altitude cannot be below sea level". SET launchAzimuth TO 1/0. //Throws error }. //Determines whether we're trying to launch from the ascending or descending node LOCAL launchNode TO "Ascending". IF desiredInc < 0 { SET launchNode TO "Descending". //We'll make it positive for now and convert to southerly heading later SET desiredInc TO ABS(desiredInc). }. //Orbital inclination can't be less than launch latitude or greater than 180 - launch latitude IF ABS(launchLatitude) > desiredInc { SET desiredInc TO ABS(launchLatitude). // HUDTEXT("Inclination impossible from current latitude, setting for lowest possible inclination.", 10, 2, 30, RED, FALSE). }. IF 180 - ABS(launchLatitude) < desiredInc { SET desiredInc TO 180 - ABS(launchLatitude). // HUDTEXT("Inclination impossible from current latitude, setting for highest possible inclination.", 10, 2, 30, RED, FALSE). }. //Does all the one time calculations and stores them in a list to help reduce the overhead or continuously updating LOCAL equatorialVel IS (2 * CONSTANT():Pi * BODY:RADIUS) / BODY:ROTATIONPERIOD. LOCAL targetOrbVel IS SQRT(BODY:MU/ (BODY:RADIUS + desiredAlt)). data:ADD(desiredInc). //[0] data:ADD(launchLatitude). //[1] data:ADD(equatorialVel). //[2] data:ADD(targetOrbVel). //[3] data:ADD(launchNode). //[4] data:ADD(autoNodeEpsilon). //[5] RETURN data. }. FUNCTION LAZcalc { PARAMETER data. //pointer to the list created by LAZcalc_init LOCAL inertialAzimuth IS ARCSIN(MAX(MIN(COS(data[0]) / COS(SHIP:LATITUDE), 1), -1)). LOCAL VXRot IS data[3] * SIN(inertialAzimuth) - data[2] * COS(data[1]). LOCAL VYRot IS data[3] * COS(inertialAzimuth). // This clamps the result to values between 0 and 360. LOCAL Azimuth IS MOD(ARCTAN2(VXRot, VYRot) + 360, 360). IF data[5] { LOCAL NorthComponent IS VDOT(SHIP:VELOCITY:ORBIT, SHIP:NORTH:VECTOR). IF NorthComponent > data[5] { SET data[4] TO "Ascending". } ELSE IF NorthComponent < -data[5] { SET data[4] to "Descending". }. }. //Returns northerly azimuth if launching from the ascending node IF data[4] = "Ascending" { RETURN Azimuth. //Returns southerly azimuth if launching from the descending node } ELSE IF data[4] = "Descending" { IF Azimuth <= 90 { RETURN 180 - Azimuth. } ELSE IF Azimuth >= 270 { RETURN 540 - Azimuth. }. }. }.
[KSP 1.12.x] kOS v1.4.0.0: kOS Scriptable Autopilot System
ImAKerbal replied to Dunbaratu's topic in KSP1 Mod Releases
I have a problem with my Kos script where it wont launch my falcon 9. I'm using the tundra mod and the script should be able to run it. What it's supposed to do it launch the rocket get the other stages to orbit while the first stage does a boost back and lands back on the launch pad. When I press 2 (the action group to toggle the control thingy for KOS) nothing happens. BTW I did not make this script I watched a tutorial for space x landings here are the scripts Script 1: // Ah yes // Mission Setup wait until ag6. missionSetup( // Will change depending on mission "ASDS", // ["ASDS"] | ["RTLS"] | ["AOTL"] | ["EEHL"] 500000, // Target Orbit (Meters) (Station Freedom - 210000) 28.6, // Target Inclination (Degrees) "Cargo", // ["Cargo"] false // Wait for launch window? (true / false) ). function missionSetup { parameter lMode, tOrbit, tInc, pType, window. clearscreen. // LandingMode Setup print "Landing Mode: " + lMode. if (lMode = "ASDS" or lMode = "AOTL") {global a is 120. global fuelToLand is 5000.} // 80 else {set a to 130. set fuelToLand to 5800.} // TargetOrbit Setup if (tOrbit < 100000) {print "Target Orbit too low: " + tOrbit. abort on.} else {print "Target Orbit: " + tOrbit.} global atmosphericAlt is body:atm:height. global targetOrbit is tOrbit. // TargetInclination Setup if (tInc > 90) {print "Target Inclination too high: " + tInc. abort on.} else if (tInc < -90) {print "Target Inclination too low: " + tInc. abort on.} else {print "Target Inclination: " + tInc.} global targetInclination is tInc. lights on. // PayloadType Setup print "Payload Type: " + pType. if (pType = "Cargo") {global hasFairings is true. global fairingSepAlt is 80000. cargoFlight().} // 90 timer } // Other Variables function pitchOfVector { parameter vecT. return 90 - vang(ship:up:vector, vecT). } // Cargo Ascent Functions function cargoFlight { // Steeringmanager Setup set steeringmanager:rollts to 25. set steeringmanager:maxstoppingtime to 10. set orbitalInsertionBurnLock to true. // Script Setup runOncePath("0:/lib_lazcalc"). // Liftoff toggle ag2. wait 10. stage. lock throttle to 1. wait 2. stage. lock steering to up. wait 8. print "Liftoff". wait 1.5. if verticalSpeed > 1 { print "Nominal liftoff". } else { print "Abort activated". abort on. shutdown. } // Functions cargoAscent(). cargoMeco(). cargoSecondStage(). cargoOrbitalBurn(). } function cargoAscent { local azimuth_data is LAZcalc_init(targetOrbit, targetInclination). local slope is (0-90) / (1000 * (a - 10 - a * 0.05) - 0). until (ship:liquidfuel <= fuelToLand + 100) { local pitch is slope * ship:apoapsis + 90. if pitch < 0 { set pitch to 0. } if pitch > pitchOfVector(velocity:surface) + 5 { set pitch to pitchOfVector(velocity:surface) + 5. } else if pitch < pitchOfVector(velocity:surface) - 5 { set pitch to pitchOfVector(velocity:surface) -5. } local azimuth is LAZcalc(azimuth_data). lock steering to heading(azimuth, pitch). } } function cargoMeco { wait until (ship:liquidfuel <= fuelToLand + 100). rcs on. set currentFacing to facing. lock steering to currentFacing. wait until (ship:oxidizer <= fuelToLand). lock throttle to 0. lock steering to currentFacing. wait 0.5. print "MECO". rcs on. toggle ag8. stage. print "STAGE SEP". wait 3.5. lock throttle to 1. print "SSI1". } function cargoSecondStage { lock steering to currentFacing. wait 5. lock steering to prograde. when (ship:altitude >= fairingSepAlt and hasFairings = true) then { stage. print "Fairing sep". } when missionTime >= 280 then { print "Signal Kermuda, Stage 2 FTS Safed". } wait until (ship:apoapsis >= targetOrbit). lock throttle to 0. print "SECO1". wait until (ship:altitude >= atmosphericAlt). set orbitalInsertionBurnLock to false. print "Atmospheric Exit". print eta:apoapsis. } function cargoOrbitalBurn { set targetVel to sqrt(ship:body:mu / (ship:orbit:body:radius + ship:orbit:apoapsis)). set apVel to sqrt(((1 - ship:orbit:eccentricity) * ship:orbit:body:mu) / ((1 + ship:orbit:eccentricity) * ship:orbit:semimajoraxis)). set dv to targetVel - apVel. set myNode to node(time:seconds + eta:apoapsis, 0, 0, dv). add myNode. lock steering to lookdirup(ship:prograde:vector, heading(180, 0):vector). set nd to nextNode. set max_acc to ship:maxthrust / ship:mass. set burn_duration to nd:deltav:mag / max_acc. wait until nd:eta <= (burn_duration / 2 + 60). set np to nd:deltav. lock steering to np. wait until vang(np, ship:facing:vector) < 0.33. wait until nd:eta <= (burn_duration / 2). set dv0 to nd:deltav. set done to false. until done { wait 0. set max_acc to ship:maxthrust / ship:mass. lock throttle to min(nd:deltav:mag / max_acc, 1). print "SSI2". if vdot(dv0, nd:deltav) < 0 { lock throttle to 0. print "SECO2". break. } if nd:deltav:mag < 0.1 { wait until vdot(dv0, nd:deltav) < 0.5. lock throttle to 0. print "SECO2". shutdown. sas on. } } } Script 2: // Elixer Space Company - ASDS Script [version 0.3.1] // Landing Parameters parameter landingZone is latlng(-0.0972081051142032, -74.5576756827403). // Initialization wait until ag8. rcs on. set currentFacing to facing. lock steering to currentFacing. wait 3. // ASDS & AOTL Functions clearscreen. print "Elixer Landing Software". print "-". set steeringManager:maxstoppingtime to 5. set steeringManager:rollts to 20. // Landing Variables set radarOffset to 21.15. // This must be changed to the height of the landing vehicle (on gear) lock trueRadar to alt:radar - radarOffset. lock g to constant:g * body:mass / body:radius^2. lock maxDecel to (ship:availablethrust / ship:mass) - g. lock stopDist to ship:verticalspeed^2 / (2 * maxDecel). lock idealThrottle to stopDist / trueRadar. lock impactTime to trueRadar / abs(ship:verticalspeed). lock aoa to 30. lock errorScaling to 1. // Guidance Functions function getImpact { if addons:tr:hasimpact { return addons:tr:impactpos. } return ship:geoposition. } function lngError { return getImpact():lng - landingZone:lng. } function latError { return getImpact():lat - landingZone:lat. } function errorVector { return getImpact():position - landingZone:position. } function getSteering { local errorVector is errorVector(). local velVector is -ship:velocity:surface. local result is velVector + errorVector*errorScaling. if vang(result, velVector) > aoa { set result to velVector:normalized + tan(aoa)*errorVector:normalized. } return lookdirup(result, facing:topvector). } rcs on. lock steering to srfretrograde. brakes on. wait until ship:verticalspeed <-700. lock throttle to 1. lock aoa to -5. lock steering to getSteering(). toggle ag1. toggle ag7. rcs off. wait until ship:verticalspeed > -200. lock throttle to 0. lock aoa to 17.5. lock steering to getSteering(). steeringManager:resettodefault(). rcs on. wait until alt:radar < 12000. lock aoa to 10. wait until alt:radar < 7000. lock aoa to 5. WAIT UNTIL ship:verticalspeed < -10. rcs on. when impactTime < 2.75 then {gear on.} WAIT UNTIL trueRadar < stopDist. lock throttle to 1. lock aoa to -3. lock steering to getSteering(). wait until ship:verticalspeed > -45. toggle ag1. lock throttle to idealThrottle. lock aoa to -2. lock steering to getSteering(). when impactTime < 0.75 then {lock steering to heading(90, 90).} WAIT UNTIL ship:verticalspeed > -0.1. lock steering to up. set ship:control:pilotmainthrottle to 0. RCS off. Script 3: //This file is distributed under the terms of the MIT license, (c) the KSLib team //=====LAUNCH AZIMUTH CALCULATOR===== //~~LIB_LAZcalc.ks~~ //~~Version 2.2~~ //~~Created by space-is-hard~~ //~~Updated by TDW89~~ //~~Auto north/south switch by undercoveryankee~~ @LAZYGLOBAL OFF. FUNCTION LAZcalc_init { PARAMETER desiredAlt, //Altitude of desired target orbit (in *meters*) desiredInc. //Inclination of desired target orbit PARAMETER autoNodeEpsilon IS 10. // How many m/s north or south // will be needed to cause a north/south switch. Pass zero to disable // the feature. SET autoNodeEpsilon to ABS(autoNodeEpsilon). //We'll pull the latitude now so we aren't sampling it multiple times LOCAL launchLatitude IS SHIP:LATITUDE. LOCAL data IS LIST(). // A list is used to store information used by LAZcalc //Orbital altitude can't be less than sea level IF desiredAlt <= 0 { PRINT "Target altitude cannot be below sea level". SET launchAzimuth TO 1/0. //Throws error }. //Determines whether we're trying to launch from the ascending or descending node LOCAL launchNode TO "Ascending". IF desiredInc < 0 { SET launchNode TO "Descending". //We'll make it positive for now and convert to southerly heading later SET desiredInc TO ABS(desiredInc). }. //Orbital inclination can't be less than launch latitude or greater than 180 - launch latitude IF ABS(launchLatitude) > desiredInc { SET desiredInc TO ABS(launchLatitude). // HUDTEXT("Inclination impossible from current latitude, setting for lowest possible inclination.", 10, 2, 30, RED, FALSE). }. IF 180 - ABS(launchLatitude) < desiredInc { SET desiredInc TO 180 - ABS(launchLatitude). // HUDTEXT("Inclination impossible from current latitude, setting for highest possible inclination.", 10, 2, 30, RED, FALSE). }. //Does all the one time calculations and stores them in a list to help reduce the overhead or continuously updating LOCAL equatorialVel IS (2 * CONSTANT():Pi * BODY:RADIUS) / BODY:ROTATIONPERIOD. LOCAL targetOrbVel IS SQRT(BODY:MU/ (BODY:RADIUS + desiredAlt)). data:ADD(desiredInc). //[0] data:ADD(launchLatitude). //[1] data:ADD(equatorialVel). //[2] data:ADD(targetOrbVel). //[3] data:ADD(launchNode). //[4] data:ADD(autoNodeEpsilon). //[5] RETURN data. }. FUNCTION LAZcalc { PARAMETER data. //pointer to the list created by LAZcalc_init LOCAL inertialAzimuth IS ARCSIN(MAX(MIN(COS(data[0]) / COS(SHIP:LATITUDE), 1), -1)). LOCAL VXRot IS data[3] * SIN(inertialAzimuth) - data[2] * COS(data[1]). LOCAL VYRot IS data[3] * COS(inertialAzimuth). // This clamps the result to values between 0 and 360. LOCAL Azimuth IS MOD(ARCTAN2(VXRot, VYRot) + 360, 360). IF data[5] { LOCAL NorthComponent IS VDOT(SHIP:VELOCITY:ORBIT, SHIP:NORTH:VECTOR). IF NorthComponent > data[5] { SET data[4] TO "Ascending". } ELSE IF NorthComponent < -data[5] { SET data[4] to "Descending". }. }. //Returns northerly azimuth if launching from the ascending node IF data[4] = "Ascending" { RETURN Azimuth. //Returns southerly azimuth if launching from the descending node } ELSE IF data[4] = "Descending" { IF Azimuth <= 90 { RETURN 180 - Azimuth. } ELSE IF Azimuth >= 270 { RETURN 540 - Azimuth. }. }. }.- 1,363 replies
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Not exactly sure this goes here but I'm pretty sure it does. Anyway I was trying to use a kos script and the tutorial told me to go to ships and then scripts, when I go to ships there is no script file. Any solution?
Thanks for that, it works way better than mech jeb but its still inaccurate sometimes. Is there a better mod out somewhere?
Thanks ill try it, also yes I'm using tundra.
Yes I am willing to stay but I also use rockets such as falcon heavy and starship which come from the same mod the Falcon 9 comes from but I don't want to add any drogue shoots because I want the most realistic Space X landing in ksp.
Don't know if this goes here but it seems like the best place to put it. Anyway I'm a huge fan of SpaceX and I was wondering if there is a mod for 1.11 that auto lands boosters. (I tried mech jeb but it's always inaccurate and starts in suicide burn to late)
Fairing Size 4 Missing
ImAKerbal replied to ImAKerbal's topic in KSP1 Gameplay Questions and Tutorials
Sorry I accidently made a mistake. I meant fairing size 4 is what I meant to type. -
I don't really know where else to put this in so I put it here. Anyway I was checking some Starship SN8 tutorials and saw that a fairing size 8 was needed for basically every tutorial. When I went to place the fairing I noticed that I don't have a fairing size 8. Anyone one know how to get it or if its a bug? (I am on ksp 1.10.1)
I was playing around with the Castle Bravo when I decided to fire it, I watched videos on it before and expected a big explosion but when it landed it made the normal ksp explosion you get when part gets destroyed. Is there any way to fix? (I have it on a decoupler and press fire missile to fire it)
Maneuver Nodes and Delta V aren't working
ImAKerbal replied to ImAKerbal's topic in KSP1 Gameplay Questions and Tutorials
OH, ok thanks turns out my positioning wasn't were it was supposed to be I found out that it need to be on the maneuver thing on the sas menu. -
I'm doing the tutorial on getting to the Mun part 1. It tells me to place a maneuver node so I do, I also then find where I need to plane the node to get to the Mun, I do. Then it says my burn time will be about 2 minutes and 30 seconds, so I start my burn at 1 minute 15 seconds. The thing is, my Delta V barely goes down and I end up passing the node because my Delta V didn't finish, this is also happening on a science save file I have were im trying to get to Minmus but the maneuver node and Delta V aren't cooperating with me. How do I fix this?