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Posts posted by olegst90

  1. I have an RSS/RO/RP installation with Scatterer, and recently I decided to build a flying boat. However, the way it bounces on waves, taking off is nearly impossible. Has anyone ever succeeded in building a viable flying boat or plane on floats  with this mod setup? Is it possible to tweak Scatterer somehow (besides simply turning off wave collisions)?

  2. When I edit a vessel which is being built or already built, adding a new procedural avionics module or procedural probe core resets build progress to zero, while, say, adding a Sputnik sphere or airplane cockpit doesn't and just reduces it to a lower value as expected. Is it supposed to work this way? Rp-1, KSP 1.12.5

  3. I'm trying to play with RSS/RO/RP1, RealHeat and DeadlyReentry. So far, my chutes are always burn up even with a moderate reentry like 60km Pe from 200 LEO. 

    Everything is set to default parameters. 

    Has anybody succeeded in configuring these mods together so that it works more or less realistically? Should I tweak some settings? Or does the order of mod installation matter?

  4. On 12/5/2022 at 11:01 PM, Starwaster said:

    handled by RO

    I'm using RSS + RO + RP1 and all default settings, my chutes always burn up even when returning from a LEO like 200 km with 0 km periapsis facing perfectly retrograde, I'm afraid it wasn't properly handled, do I need to reinstall it or maybe delete some configs? I installed DeadlyReentry after RSS/RO/RP

    ps I've tried higher periapsis around 60km, but it didn't help

  5. 44 minutes ago, olegst90 said:

    I have the same problem with the original-scale system on Kerbin. Trajectories 2.4.0, KSP 1.11.2, stock aerodynamic model. Sometimes when I adjust impact position with RCS above or in the upper layers of the atmosphere I can land within 500 meters of the predicted point, but more often I end up undershooting a few dozens km, the shallower the descent, the bigger the error.  At about 45000-50000 m the impact position indicator starts crawling backwards. Sometimes I'm able to check it by adjusting attitude, sometimes not.

    I've noticed that when I press "Update" button in the settings during the descend the impact position changes and appears to be closer to where I really land (in fact, it just immediately jumps short of the previous position instead of gradually crawling from it). Can I adjust settings somehow to fix this?

    Also,  can I rely on the updates of the impact position indicator when I perform active maneuvering in the upper atmosphere?


    36 minutes ago, olegst90 said:

    Tried without warp whatsoever,  steep descent from 100km Kerbin circular orbit, dv -400m/s, sas on retrograde(just as plugin settings), landed 82km short of the predicted spot.

    Turned out Cache option was the culprit. With the cache off and max frames and integration step sliders to the rightmost position I managed to obtain very good precision without too much of performance penalty (around 20% of the calculation time on average). Sorry for flooding.

  6. On 5/18/2021 at 12:11 PM, Kobymaru said:

    This means that the prediction is wrong. There could be a few reasons for this:

    • Predictions in the upper atmosphere are difficult, so if you spend a lot of time there, deceleration will be underestimated.
    • Physics time warp actually changes your trajectory! The higher the time warp, the less drag you experience.
    • Is "Use Cache" enabled in the settings? That increases performance but decreases accuracy.

    Tried without warp whatsoever,  steep descent from 100km Kerbin circular orbit, dv -400m/s, sas on retrograde(just as plugin settings), landed 82km short of the predicted spot.

  7. On 9/2/2020 at 4:54 AM, Nori said:

    So I've tried using trajectories to land close to KSC but currently I am always coming up very short with the standard settings. I've tried prograde and retrograde. If I put the red X over KSC I undershoot by a lot. This last time I put it about 170km past and I ended up landing about 80km short. I am using a 2.7x system and the atmo is at 85k. Is there something I should be doing differently?

    I have the same problem with the original-scale system on Kerbin. Trajectories 2.4.0, KSP 1.11.2, stock aerodynamic model. Sometimes when I adjust impact position with RCS above or in the upper layers of the atmosphere I can land within 500 meters of the predicted point, but more often I end up undershooting a few dozens km, the shallower the descent, the bigger the error.  At about 45000-50000 m the impact position indicator starts crawling backwards. Sometimes I'm able to check it by adjusting attitude, sometimes not.

    I've noticed that when I press "Update" button in the settings during the descend the impact position changes and appears to be closer to where I really land (in fact, it just immediately jumps short of the previous position instead of gradually crawling from it). Can I adjust settings somehow to fix this?

    Also,  can I rely on the updates of the impact position indicator when I perform active maneuvering in the upper atmosphere?

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