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  1. I recently pict up KSP again after 2013 and I also wanted to beef up te looks of the game. I don´t have the latest gaming rig (Radeon RX 5500 XT, 32G Ram, i5-6500 3.2GHz) My "downsized" list for new players/moders so far would be as following How to install mods? Here Beauty mods: - EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements - StockVisualEnhancements - Scatterer (maybe check this) Functuality mods: - TransferWindowPlanner - KerbalAlarmClock - KerbalEngineerRedux Like so, the game looks awesome and with these 3 functuality mods it helps your gameplay. I think these six mods are sufficient for the game (my opinion) Works for KSP whit all DLC´s Greetings, stay safe
  2. Hello there... I just wanna say a healthy HI to the community. I startet playing the game in late 2013 after watching one of my youtube hero "Zisteau" with his series "Kerbal Space Explosion". Minmus and Mun wasn´t the big challenges back then, but I really struggled to made a RETURN-Mission to other planets, I also struggled to make airplanes and my jounger, impatient ME left the game behind... Nevertheless I kept on watching Zisteau´s serie. Later I catched up Matt Lowne´s KSP vids in the tubes... Early 2020 I stumbled over the KSP 2 announcement. And finally a week ago I repurchased the game and DLC´s on Steam. Now I rushed trough Sciencemode only at Kerbin, Mun and Minmus and I am FINALLY ready to explore the rest of Kerbin Space Program.... Mod your game? Just the 6 of theme....
  3. Ok OK. I get your sarcasm. Sry, don´t want to offend you. Maybee I rethink my question. Why is the saturation that strong, the effect so overdone....? (my opinion) My bad....Your mod is really AWESOME. I mean that. And after my brain finally understand how to play whit the settings a bit, even more. Since my last post I was "trying hard" to get the settings as I liked it. Just adding a new Config point at 300000 and setting 0 there, wasn´t final. I lunched a rocked and tryed out how it looked... Awefull at first... the hard transition from default 250000 settings to mine...omg I litterly spend hours now for that "simple" problem. So.... For all folks, who wanna try out my setting. The original mod-settings stay as they are, but from distance, Kerbin will look a bit more like before Scatterer...Check out the following pic and the actual wrote down settings: CP = Config point, SE = Scattering Exposure, ETi = Extinction Tint, ETh = Extinction Thickness CP 0 (200AGL) ; SE = 0,23 ; ETi = 0,5 ; ETh = 1,0 CP 1 (1´000AGL) ; SE = 0,23 ; ETi = 0,5 ; ETh = 1,0 CP 2 (250´000AGL) ; SE = 0,01 ; ETi = 0,2 ; ETh = 1,0 CP 3 (1´000´000AGL) ; SE = 0,005 ; ETi = 0,005 ; ETh = 0,9 Here is what it looks like approching from 2mio AGL (clockwise): https://imgur.com/N7SKq5V Thx for the help in explaining the settings to Blackrack. Maybe someone who fully understands all the mod will make a tutorial how to "play" whit all the settings. So far I checked.... SCATTERER is around for long, and "allmost" every showcase vid on youtube advertise this mod, damn rightly. Greetings from a week old ksp mod-user so far stay save
  4. Wait, I got it. Heureka. I made an additional Config point at 300000 and set Scattering Exposure and Extinction Thickness there to 0. The water and sky are alright and Kerbin from space looks nice. Thx for your help Blackrack. A last question: Why has Kerbin this bluish tint in the "default settings" in the first place?
  5. OK, I get it... sort of :D..... There are 3 Config points set by default (0:200; 1:1000; 2:250000) If I now ONLY change the settings in at all Config points (whitout Extinction Tint 0.5 at all CP) and hit the Set Button right of the Scattering Exposure/Extinction Thickness to SET IT, the bluish tint is gone looking from space.... Nice. BUT all the water and sky are black now. What have I done wrong?
  6. The two posts above, you mean Blackrack´s and Lewie´s answer´s on Lewie´s Topic? Or Lewie´s and Not a Spy´s Topic... The other topic whould be way above my knowledge I changed the settings like the mod-maker said (Scattering Exposure, Extinction Tint and Extinction Thickness) to Zero: That changed nothing at all, either at space nor at groundlevel. And if I finagle whit other settings to hard, I ruin the looks sooo bad. After reading Blackrack´s Config Points... Sry, I didn´t get it. And badly there is not a single vid out there, that explains how to "play" whit the config settings of this mod. I only found "How to install" or "Showcase" vids.... Maybee there are some I haven´t found yet? PLS post some.... I also tryed reistalling Scatterer either manualy and via CKAN. By default settings after reinstallation I got this bluish tint overlaying Kerbin, like in my picture: https://imgur.com/EXAZ87b At the moment I play whitout Scatterer. But I already miss the foggy ambiance on the planets, the improfed water and so on.... but the ugly Kerbin disturbs me to much. Maybee there is a simple solution out there. Thx for keep on helping in advance
  7. Hi folks, is it possible to "get rid of" the blueish tint of kerbal planet? So it looks more like the default settings whitout a mod...? I played with the settings all day long, searched for a settigs-guide, watched vids and I can´t figured it out. I finaly saw the post above (from Lewie), but that didn´t fixed it for me... My visual mods so far: Scatterer; Environmental Visual Enhancements; Stock Planet Config files; StockVisualEnhancements; Planet Shine; Boulder Co I may need help, thx https://imgur.com/EXAZ87b
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