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  1. Hello, I installed real plumes stock, its a fantastic mod but i don't like "hummingbird engine (by nertea) plume" is there a way to disable it
  2. hello, I'm running RO in ksp 1.8.1 thought to launch sputnik but RCS does not work (i have chosen nitrogen tank with nitrogen rcs ) but when i launch rcs never works it is really frustrating. plz help
  3. i just deleted the cache file of module manager and it worked. Btw thanks
  4. Hello, I just installed realism overhaul with rp1 in ksp 1.8.1 (according to github guide on ckan). Without any additional mods the game runs fine. But when i install additional mods such as eve,rssve, scatterer,procedural fairings the game just gets stuck at loading screen i even restarted but nothing happens. Please help...
  5. I have the latest version as i installed it from ckan I have the latest version as i installed it from ckan
  6. Hello, i installed mk1-2 command pod IVA with all its dependency but still getting stock iva... (DE_IVA is working even alchor landing can iva is working) i'm running ksp 1.9.0
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