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Everything posted by calebpassamani

  1. thanks bro, my pc dont save, i tried many times, i will try use mods I am very thankful
  2. https://kerbalx.com/Passamani2007/Cp-31 https://kerbalx.com/Passamani2007/Cp-32-Phoenix https://kerbalx.com/Passamani2007/Cp-9 https://kerbalx.com/Passamani2007/Cp-52-Titan
  3. Numbers between 0 and 49 small and medium sized are categorized, numbers from 50 to 300 are large aircraft and numbers from 1000 upwards are rockets they are without image do not care https://kerbalx.com/Passamani2007/Cp-32-Phoenix https://kerbalx.com/Passamani2007/Cp-21 https://kerbalx.com/Passamani2007/Cp-31 https://kerbalx.com/Passamani2007/Cp-9 https://kerbalx.com/Passamani2007/Cp-51 https://kerbalx.com/Passamani2007/Cp-52-Titan https://kerbalx.com/Passamani2007/Cp-1001
  4. Numbers between 0 and 49 small and medium sized are categorized, numbers from 50 to 300 are large aircraft and numbers from 1000 upwards are rockets they are without image do not care https://kerbalx.com/Passamani2007/Cp-32-Phoenix https://kerbalx.com/Passamani2007/Cp-21 https://kerbalx.com/Passamani2007/Cp-31 https://kerbalx.com/Passamani2007/Cp-9 https://kerbalx.com/Passamani2007/Cp-51 https://kerbalx.com/Passamani2007/Cp-52-Titan https://kerbalx.com/Passamani2007/Cp-1001
  5. thank you man im working on tail strike, i do this plane with the objective of stability. thank guys you help so much i m getting better every day new airplanes will come
  6. I created 3 new aircrafts CP-12 Arrow - Soleron https://kerbalx.com/Passamani2007/Soleron CP-19 Ramjet-Fighter https://kerbalx.com/Passamani2007/CP-19 CP-21 TwinBladed Plane https://kerbalx.com/Passamani2007/Cp-21-
  7. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1ySxkmQ891WnFHwt-O-nK29cA_02Z6Vga?usp=sharing link to my crafts plesea grade me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. hello, I'm a new ksp player asking for your opinion on my crafts in case planes give suggestions for improvement and your grade
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