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  1. The post was written a full year after the transition from Star Theory to Intercept Games, and 15 months before the PC version of KSP1 got the Mun Arch Easter Egg update. The teams are clearly related, especially when they are saying they took ownership of console version. Where do you think that former CM got the information from? This is the Kerbal Space Program forum, not the Intercept Games forums. If you don't like me asking, feel free to point me to the right person or help get the answer for us console users. We've been asking in all locations for years and been ignored thus far, feel free to offer your all-knowing solution.
  2. I understand why you think this, but I am afraid you are not correct, by their own words from this forum (important parts in bold): "Today we released KSP - Enhanced Edition on PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S. This is incredibly exciting, and we believe it offers an amazing upgrade for our console players! This release brings our partnership with BlitWorks to a close. The team at BlitWorks will be joining Larian as Larian Barcelona. We wanted to take a moment and thank everyone at BlitWorks who has helped us bring KSP over to consoles the last few years and wish them all the best on their new adventures. We remain committed to bringing patch 1.11 and 1.12 to our console audience, and to support this we are creating new open positions to handle this development internally. It will take us time to get folks hired and ramped up, and we appreciate everyone’s patience as we work diligently to bring this to you next year. We hope you enjoy this new offering of Enhanced Edition and can’t wait to see what new and bigger craft you create. Thank you and happy launchings
  3. Congrats on a successful update, good to see the future of KSP2 is looking up. Are there any plans to address the console player community on the KSP1 v1.12 content update that was promised 836 days ago? That update might help with the wait for the KSP2 Early Access period to complete. Or if the update has been officially canceled, being candid with the customers could help secure customer good will, a step leading toward being able to trust enough to make a future KSP2 purchase if that someday comes to console, (hopefully with some assurances that support for that game won't be a repeat of the near nonexistent support KSP1 console edition received.)
  4. I wish I had thought to copy my question before submitting on discord so that I could just paste it to re-ask for future AMAs, since it looks like it won't be getting acknowledged this time around. I put a lot of thought into that multiple paragraph question.
  5. Yesterday was Superbowl #57. Now hang on Moderator, I know you're ready to remove for being off topic, but stay with me everyone, because we also need to take a look at the number 507. Why? Well that's the number of days its been since this topic was made, where it was stated that the team was "committed to bringing patch 1.11 and 1.12 to the console audience." So where does that extra zero come in? Why, that's simply the number of updates the Enhanced Edition has received since then. So you see... this all ties together. Kerbunati confirmed?! Also for anyone reading this, I actually did probe the official KSP twitter account about the update back in Oct. 21, 2022 and actually got a response from them that same day saying they do recognize that it hasn't been updated in some time, but "still expect to update the console edition with the latest content from KSP on PC." It's no secret us console players got pretty screwed in regards to receiving timely updates, (or keeping us updated about the updates,) and I certainly wouldn't recommend putting too much faith into a tweet, a part of me can't help but hold onto a little hope. After all, if they didn't intend to update the console version, it would have been easier to just ignore my tweet entirely, right?
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