Yesterday was Superbowl #57. Now hang on Moderator, I know you're ready to remove for being off topic, but stay with me everyone, because we also need to take a look at the number 507. Why? Well that's the number of days its been since this topic was made, where it was stated that the team was "committed to bringing patch 1.11 and 1.12 to the console audience." So where does that extra zero come in? Why, that's simply the number of updates the Enhanced Edition has received since then. So you see... this all ties together. Kerbunati confirmed?!
Also for anyone reading this, I actually did probe the official KSP twitter account about the update back in Oct. 21, 2022 and actually got a response from them that same day saying they do recognize that it hasn't been updated in some time, but "still expect to update the console edition with the latest content from KSP on PC." It's no secret us console players got pretty screwed in regards to receiving timely updates, (or keeping us updated about the updates,) and I certainly wouldn't recommend putting too much faith into a tweet, a part of me can't help but hold onto a little hope. After all, if they didn't intend to update the console version, it would have been easier to just ignore my tweet entirely, right?