Is there a definitive solve and/or an answer to the ice age issue at this point? This has frankly been a really frustrating issue to tackle. Not because I don't understand how open-source development works and I have unreasonable expectations, but because I've wasted days on different config files, re-installations, etc. and there's just not a straight-forward, up-to-date answer anywhere. It's really difficult to try and track it in this thread. We could use a summation from someone or an official word rather than reddit threads with deletions and no searchable/trackable threads, not even in the github bug tracker.
1) Is this issue currently fixed?
2) What is causing this? (ie, combination of EVE+Scatterer+OpenGL card or whatever)
3) Are there any current working workarounds?
I'm not looking for an estimated time to fix, I'm not yelling about it being broken, I truly appreciate what has been developed with Scatterer and Blackrack is clearly a leading and awesome dev in our community, I'm just relaying an experience a lot of others are probably having in terms of just being informed that you may not be aware of. Just need status, nothing more.
Thanks Blackrack, you're awesome and I wouldn't have wrote this if I didn't think you'd want to know about this kind of experience.