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Mare Ingenii

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Posts posted by Mare Ingenii

  1. On 9/21/2020 at 6:01 PM, Arrowstar said:

    As a quick guess at what might be going on, select the rotation tool in the main LVD GUI and right click on the display axes, then select something along the lines of "reset to original view", should be at the top of the context menu that comes up.  I noticed that part of your trajectory wasn't rendering beceause it was being cut off by z-limits.  If you want to avoid this in the future, go into the view settings and select "update view limits" or something to that effect.

    I'm hoping that the issue is just that the trajectory looks wrong, when in reality it's fine and just the way things are rendering that is the issue.

    Well, the graphical part of that is embarrassing, and yes that is what was happening there.  However, the continuity constrains are still violated significantly and do not converge after rerunning the optimization with the same setup as in PR4.  Is that expected?

  2. @Arrowstar, I created an issue on your git repo as Issue 25.  I noticed a pretty large difference in LVD between PR4 and PR5  and am not able to get PR5 to close on the same solution that was found in PR4.  PR4 is on the left and PR5 is on the right.  This is an Eve gravity assist, then 2 orbits followed by a Kerbin assist out to Jool.




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