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  1. Hello Good Day How do i fix or improve the cockpits from the Mod? Do i need to install an additional mod or something? Here's what i have observed: Kn-225 Cockpit - has Screen from i think Rasterpropmonitor and a HUD. But they are not working and are just black. Boeing 767/777 Cockpit - has Stock Navball and basic instruments but only on the Captain's Side (Left Side) the First Officer's side has no instruments Cockpit mostly empty. Airbus A220 - Same as Above Boeing 727/727/737 - Same as Above Airbus A350 Cockpit - No instruments; cockpit is 50% see through which is weird lol Airbus A380 Cockpit - Same as B777 Antonov An-24 - Works fine. Has stock instruments and buttons in the cockpit on both sides. Fine for me so far. Bombardier CRJ Series - Same as An-24 M-95 Goose - Same as An-24 Yakvka Cockpit - Same as Kn-225 M-86 Kossak - Same as Kn-225 Here's what i have currently installed what i think is related or pertaining to the Cockpit or IVA: ASET Agency ASET Props ASET Avionics Avionics Systems Click Through Blocker Raster Prop Monitor and Core Reviva Thanks for any Answer Hope you guys have a good day
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