I've never been into aircraft before on KSP but decided to give this a try... ended up with the most stable aircraft I've ever built. Only achieved the basic endurance challenge, round the world non stop. Version 1 only just made it back - running out of fuel over the mountains west of the space centre but it glided to the runway. However, it had a small wing clipped into the nose fairing so I disqualified it. Version 2 without clipping and more fuel made it back with plenty to spare despite drifting south quite a long way when I had to go AFK forgetting to pause.
Both tries were manual flights with no automation or reloading so it got quite tense on the landings! It's my first post so I think it will have to wait to put up images - the craft is an approximate tribute to an F-14 which totally justified playing the top gun anthem for the last 3 minutes of flight and landing :)
Duration 4 hours 30 minutes, 29 sec. 7,691,874m traveled. Cruising altitude 10-12 km, 250-280m/s powered by 2 Panthers at full throttle.