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Gwayne Eastway

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Everything posted by Gwayne Eastway

  1. Changing time warp speed in anyway causes the game to freeze. After it freezes I have to end the process with task manager, no crash log is created. I have tested in multiple saves that the freeze will only occur in career mode saves and does not happen in science or sandbox mode. Can someone tell me the problem and how to fix it? Thank you KSP: 1.9.1 Windows 64 bit Problem: Game freezes when changing time warp. Mods Installed: (Mods with no version listed were bundled and assume the latest version of the bundled mod) X Science 5.25 / Click Through Blocker 1.8.0 - / Tool Bar Control 1.8.0 - / B9 Aerospace 6.6.0 / B9 Animation Modules / B9 Part Switch / Better Time Warp Continued / Better Looking Oceans_ Low / Community Category Kit / Community Resource Pack / Community Tech Tree 3.4.2 / Cryo Engines 1.1.4 / Cryo Tanks / Decoupler Shroud / Deployable Engines / Dynamic Battery Storage / EVE / EVA Transfer 9.0 / Extraplanetary Launch Pads 6.8.2 / Fire Spitter / GPP / HideEmptyTechTreeNodes 1.1.2 / Interstellar Fuel Switch 3.18.0 / JSI / KAS 1.7 / Kerbal Atomics 1.1.4 / Kerbal Engineer / KIS 1.26 / Kopernicus 1.9.1-5 / KW Rocketry Re balanced / ModularFlightIntegrator / NavyFish / Near Future Aeronautics 2.0.0 / Near Future Construction 1.2.3 / Near Future Electrical 1.1.3 / Near Future Exploration 1.0.10 / Near Future Launch Vehicles 2.0.3 / Near Future Propulsion 1.2.2 / Near Future Solar 1.2.3 / Near Future Spacecraft 1.3.3 / Patch Manager / Poods Milk Way Skybox 1.3.0 / Precise Maneuver Continued / Real Plume / Real Plume Stock 4.0.1 / scanSAT 20.4 / scatterer 0.0632 / Science Full Transmit / Sigma Replacements Skybox 0.5.1 / Smokescreen / SpaceY-Lifters 1.17.2 / Sun flares of Maar Canaan GPP 1.2 / Kerbal Alarm Clock / Transfer Window Planner / Tweak Scale / Kerbal Actuators Reproduction Steps: Video Link: https://youtu.be/66W8aDG97Bs Logs: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-UqcPodn1XGYPqQ61LOsokg-ajVWp2Xz/view?usp=sharing https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ILsI5cmSoHm0RpPAi8bI5FA2mDKuUhgp/view?usp=sharing
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