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Everything posted by kre8iv_username

  1. Sorry, it doesn't seem to be working. I'm using a simple test vessel with a tank of liquid hydrogen, the engine, some large batteries and a command pod. The engine seems to be working fine then, but whenever I add solar panels to the craft, the problem I described happens. However, I tried another test vessel with a simple nuclear reactor setup for power and the engine actually produced around 0.6kn of thrust which is much more than before but still not viable for missions. To use this engine, do I need to use more advanced nuclear reactors?
  2. Hello, Thanks for the reply. I can't seem to add an image of the vessel or maybe I'm being dumb. I'll copy out what the engine menu says: Fuel flow: 0.00000U Prop Requirement Met: 100.00% Status: Nominal Thrust: 0.000000kn (Before, it was 0.000001 but now 0) Engine Isp: 11213.0 Type: Electrodeless Lorentz Force Thruster Propellant Name: Liquid Hydrogen Power Share: 100.00% Maximum Power Request: 0.000MW Current Power Request: 0.000MW Propellant Efficiency: 94.38% Overheat Efficiency: 100.00% Heat Production: 0.000MW Max Effective Power: 283.145MW Atm Thrust Efficiency: 0.000% Current Thrust in space: 0.000000% Max Thrust in space: 0.000000% There are two gigantor panels and a small deployable radiator on the vessel. I'm playing in 1.9.1, science mode on Galileo's Planet Pack.
  3. Hello, I'm having an issue with the electrodeless lorentz force engine. When I activate it in orbit, it has absolutely abysmal thrust. Like around 0.0000001kn or something like that. There is also no delta-v indication on its icon in the staging area. However, the strange thing is, whenever I remove the radiators and solar panels from my payload, the engine works fine with the normal level of thrust. Any help with this issue would be greatly appreciated!
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