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Everything posted by JDTractorGuy

  1. Hello, This is probably me just being stupid, but is there a way to change the settings of the mod after you've started a new game? I picked a present when I first started a new career game, and now that I'm a bit in, I'd like to tweak some of the time settings, but I can't find a way to access them. I saw that the ReadMe said there should be a settings widget under the warp button but I'm not seeing it. Thanks for any help!
  2. Received at 1200EST today from support (nothing new):
  3. For everybody who has this issue, I sent a request to support asking if there was a way for me to be provided with an alternate download link, as well as the 1020 error. This was the response: So, not much new.....but that's from an email I received about 15 minutes ago.
  4. At what point do they start running into a legal issue of not allowing purchasers to download an item they purchased? Wouldn't this start getting into fraud territory? Obviously the KSP team isn't fraudulent, but when its down for this long without an alternative means of accessing the product you paid for, it really starts to look sketchy, especially with the lack of updates.
  5. Well, that's good to know. Hate that I uninstalled all my mods chasing a feature. *Facepalm* Thanks a bunch!
  6. Void, Thanks for the reply. Forgive me if I'm misunderstanding your response but I understand that physics aren't calculated if you're in close range, but I'm just worried about battery drop. I could've sworn that I've lost probes before because I forgot to put solar panels on them or because I pointed the panel away from the sun. Do batteries really not go down when you're not flying the vessel? If so I can't believe I haven't noticed that before.
  7. Howdy folks, long story, simple problem. I was playing with TAC life support installed and saw some erroneous behavior by one of my space stations power levels. After a lot of investigating I've narrowed down the problem to the following: it seems that power levels of my vessels do not change when I am not actively flying them. I assumed it was a mod issue, but after performing 2 vanilla reinstalls with no mods, no expansions, and changing no settings, I am still having the issue. I launched a barebones probe on a new save on a fresh install, left the solar panels retracted, went to the space center, and timewarped for 10 days. When I returned to the probe in question the power was still at the exact same level it was 10 days before, despite the probe having no means to generate power. The simulate in background setting is turned on and set to true in the settings.cfg file. I didn't touch any settings at all this last try. Any idea of what's going on here? I was using CKAN and about 70 mods before, but now that this is happening on a vanilla install I'm not sure what else to try. Build ID 02939 KSP Log: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1mHVA_mM-FuYVC5ZUQQdMUqiOb-I9i7A0/view?usp=sharing
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