Hi folks, it's me again!
I've come to share the latest and greatest adventures of The Deity Program, so lets not waste time and get right into it!.
The Ares Rover is a marvel of modern engineering, a mobile laboratory containing state-of-the-art science experiments to study the atmosphere, temperature, surface features, and seismic nature of Duna. It launched aboard the Titan booster, it was the only rocket capable of such a job, as its payload capacity was just enough to get the rover and transfer stage to orbit.
Here we get our first look at the transfer stage, it is powered by the LV-601 -4 Orbital Maneuvering Engine Cluster (From Nertea's Near Future Spacecraft mod). It was a tad overbuilt, which is common for rockets designed by me.
After performing my ejection burn and doing some small corrections, I coasted to my Duna periapsis of 98 km.
I performed my injection burn and got a circular polar orbit, just what I wanted. I prepared for the landing burn, which would take me down to a site at Duna's south pole.
I performed the deorbit burn and began cruising down to the surface
I forgot to take pictures of the fairing separation, sorry! But the drogue chutes opened, and the main chutes followed soon after.
Touchdown! It landed perfectly.
This is it's science arm in action and scanning a Duna meteorite.
That's all folks! I hope you enjoyed this latest installment in The Deity Program, this was my first rover, so let me know if there's anything I could improve for next time!
Link to gallery as always: https://imgur.com/gallery/PGY7NyE
Feel free to use any and all of the images here or in the gallery as wallpapers, in videos, etc.
Thanks for reading! <3