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Everything posted by morgoth

  1. red box below is a link to forum post on how to get support Be Kind: Lithobrake, not jakebrake! Keep your Module Manager up to date How to support this and other great mods by zer0Kerbal Comment, click, like, share, up-vote, subscribe no - you just didn't read the release notes. And where, pray tell, in the Release Notes, says that the part names have changed, breaking previous saves? And why release an incompatible upgrade instead of just releasing an altogether new version? I can see a recommendation to install from scratch, but no explanation whatsoever as to why, and it doesn't solve the main issue: You are breaking backwards compatibility, making previous saves useless... Also, for those not using a mod manager, this is not a good enough solution.
  2. I have to say, changing the parts naming in the heavy lifters from "SY" to "SYL" [snip] broke my saves, my existing, in flight crafts, etc. There's also missing textures all over now. I guess I'm manually recovering the saves, and deleting this mod as soon as those crafts are recovered... UPDATE: I actually had to revert to previous mod version (from 2018). This latest version is just too broken...
  3. So, I guess my question here (and pardon me if it has been answered before) is: Would I have to start a completely new savegame if I want to start using KIS2, or the stock system, to avoid breaking my existing crafts in orbit/planets? Have some thought been put to be able to port some of it with a script or guide? I'm all up for using a new KIS version that will integrate with stock, but I'd rather not break my current savegame after I have bases and crafts all over the "Kerbolar System". Any thought/suggestions appreciated...
  4. Hello, Maybe I'm doing something wrong, but it seems the solar panel implementation in the Rover Batteries needs some improvement. It looks like they only detect sunlight in a VERY NARROW angle. Therefore, even at mid day in Kerbin, the sunlight hitting it registers only at "0.25". When taking the rover to another planet is even worse. To the point that in Duna and Eve, even at mid-day, the sun exposure can register as zero. This is a huge paint point in what otherwise would be an awesome mod Any way this can be fixed, or a workaround that can be used? Thanks
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