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Everything posted by dogon11

  1. Maybe the Kerbing Anaconda? Falcon? Rabbit? Fox? Excelsior?
  2. I JUST had my first problem navigating to the page.
  3. I found KSP first, got 6 friends to play it, they all have bought or will be buying it soon.
  4. Working on another vessel for Minmus/Mun, testing Mun landings. Attempts: 2 Failures: 2 One hit fifty m/s too fast, the other tipped over.
  5. I launched a station into orbit, and then landed it on the south pole in one piece.
  6. Yeah, my Firefox doesn\'t have any problems opening the forum. Isn\'t it supposed to open in twenty minutes anyways?
  7. DCE-010 Class: Harmless Ceter Description: DCE-010 is a [REDACTED] Class battleship, floating adrift in the [REDACTED]. The battleship is manned with a crew of currently observed 52 skeletons. These skeletons move around without muscles or attached strings/motors. The battleship is surrounded by DCE vessels armed with nuclear warheads. Airborne drones are flying at 20,000 feet above the craft at all times. The vessel floats freely, even though there is smoke exiting the stacks behind the bridge. Containment Protocol: DCE-010 is to be observed in case of it floating towards shore kept within the pre-determined perimeter provided by the fleet surrounding the vessel. If the vessel approaches the fleet, shots are to be fired. If the vessel returns fire, the nuclear-tipped cruise missiles on board are to be used to attempt to sink the ship. No one is allowed to enter the containment perimeter. Anyone who wonders close to the perimeter is to be captured, administered a Class-A Amnesiac, and be released at their home. ADDENDUM (2/2/20--): Incident Report #3057 In Incident #3057, three DCE Class-3 agents attempted to board the vessel in attempt to negotiate the containment of the vessel. The 49 skeletons onboard all approached, and simultaneously grabbed the three DCE agents. The flesh on the agents disintegrated, and the three agents began to act as part of the crew of the ship. They never attempted to escape. After this incident, the DCE anomaly #010 is to changed from Harmless class to Ceter class, and all containment protocols are to be changed instantly. No one is allowed to approach the vessel within 9 miles. The containment fleet is to form a 4 mile perimeter. The protective fleet is to form an 8 mile perimeter. Nuclear warfare against the vessel is authorized by Senior Agent [DATA EXPUNGED].
  8. Oh. I didn\'t think of it that way. That works. Though the SCP list isn\'t complete in the 1000-1999 range currently, 1-999 are full.
  9. Maybe it wasn\'t such a good idea going so high, that we have major gaps in the numbers.
  10. I wanna make a plane that transforms into a power station... but I can\'t figure it out. I\'ll figure it, and schedule a flight then.
  11. There is not enough color difference between the background and the posts, it blends together too well. The KSP forums have enough difference, but on your forums, it\'s too close, I have problems telling what is what.
  12. Wait, are people going on? Is it open to the public? (And also, what\'s the address?)
  13. Same here. I was in charge of Kallifrey, though I\'m not entirely sure if it was accepted or not. I think it was.
  14. Wait... I loaded them all... why? OH. I remember looking into the MechJeb parts... and they were all blued out. I should\'ve check that first. When you merged, it put the persistance file I uploaded and put in the raft that were missing? Is that what you did? I probably won\'t book another flight for a while. Mainly because the list is uber long. Also because I have no idea what needs to be landed at each base. Sorry about the debris near to my landing site, it took a couple tries to put it down right. And a lot of modifications. More parachutes, more struts, more parachutes again, more engines, less engines, it was just a nightmare.
  15. Took me longer than expected, but everything is ok. Craft landed with minimal fuel, solar panels deployed. It took quite the effort to land at Lake Kostok.
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