i get around 30 fps with 80-99% gpu usage when launching 75 part rockets on kerbin, with astronomers visual pack, scatterer, real plume, engine lighting and 3.5 rescale. But when i get within 10km of the muns surface or any other body like mars i get 7-15 fps, with around 10% gpu usage, i cant find any reason why this would happen everywhere except kerbin?
i turned down all of the settings and textures and there was no increase in performance near planetary bodies? i removed avp and anything affecting the muns visuals but there was no change in fps, and my lander was fairly small with only a few parts. does anyone know what is affecting this? i went to mars and it was fine all through the atmosphere but just before touchdown it went to less than 10fps.
i play in fullscreen mode if that is important.
specs: i7-770k, gtx1070ti, 32gb ram