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Everything posted by aceassasin

  1. Banned for being a walking disaster.
  2. You know those times when you spend an hour building a piece of rocketry beauty only to have physics rip it apart on the launch pad.
  3. No, whats the point when I can just strap it to an extremely overpowered launch vehicle? The user below me is new to KSP.
  4. What really grinds my gears is the fact that society is the one to decide what I am allowed to like and dislike, and I am to have no say in the matter. I think it's weird and odd that teenagers/men watch a tv show for little girls, but I am proud to be weird. At least I'm an individual who can make their own decisions on what they like and dislike and not under the influence of social pressures. Like awsumindyman said a brony will defend themself to the death so there is really no point in hating on us is there? "It's weird to not be weird" - John Lennon
  5. P.S. It's Lennie from Of Mice and Men, If you've read the book you'll know why it defeats the above picture.)
  6. Banned for having Titan in your name.
  7. Banned for trying to get me to click one of your hatchlings.
  8. banned because I'm done with my homework.
  9. granted, you get no super power and are ostracized from society because everyone else actually has a super power. the ability to telepathically communicate with plants
  10. false the user below me recently changed their avatar.
  11. Banned for bad arrow to the knee joke.
  12. Banned for having one less post than me.
  13. true, only the highest quality of tv for watching ponies. The user below me has rage quit in KSP at least once.
  14. banned for being so... mysterious, and also for holding a flute.
  15. On December 25th, 2001 Chuck Norris drafts the declaration of independence declaring American Independence from Pharaoh Ramesses II
  16. Banned for exaggerating the frequency with which I change my avatar. I would say its more every month to month and a half.
  17. Banned for small text in your signature.
  18. Granted, you accidentally inhale some thyme and severely damage your lungs. I wish the Shapeways kerbals weren't so expensive.
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