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Posts posted by mariagorl

  1. Never gotten this one before!
    Any help would be greatly appreciated, as I've never dealt with this.

    "Kopernicus not able to load the custom planetary system due to an exception in the loading process. Loading your saved game is NOT recommended, because the missing planets could corrupt it and delete your progress.

    My quick cropping job wasn't great in hindsight!

    Kopernicus Log: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1kytzl89cFMEBgFZXK6wCL-DV4GkOBkY6/view?usp=sharing

    ModuleManager.ConfigCache: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1rYcqDkB1YI8WJnjlVeIAJ5T7nXXa20mM/view?usp=sharing

    KSP.log: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1bKbAB9RcsC8rhkXRb_OuBTp7VZQCSo-f/view?usp=sharing

  2. Never gotten this one before!
    Any help would be greatly appreciated, as I've never dealt with this.

    "Kopernicus not able to load the custom planetary system due to an exception in the loading process. Loading your saved game is NOT recommended, because the missing planets could corrupt it and delete your progress.

    My quick cropping job wasn't great in hindsight!

    Kopernicus Log: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1kytzl89cFMEBgFZXK6wCL-DV4GkOBkY6/view?usp=sharing

    ModuleManager.ConfigCache: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1rYcqDkB1YI8WJnjlVeIAJ5T7nXXa20mM/view?usp=sharing

    KSP.log: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1bKbAB9RcsC8rhkXRb_OuBTp7VZQCSo-f/view?usp=sharing

  3. Fatal error time! Sorry in advance for the trouble. :(

    Never had a B9 Fatal before so I'm not super familiar with the log.
    "Fatal exception while loading fields on module ModuleB9PartSwitch on part  ---> System.Exception: Exception while loading field subtypes on type B9PartSwitch.ModuleB9PartSwitch ---> System.Exception: Exception while loading fields on subtype PartSubtype LH2 ---> System.Exception: Exception while loading field tankType on type B9PartSwitch.PartSubtype ---> System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: No tank type named 'LH2' exists"

    Shortened for brevity's sake, but I can paste the entire length of the error section for those that don't want to open the full log.

    Log: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1bKbAB9RcsC8rhkXRb_OuBTp7VZQCSo-f/view?usp=sharing


  4. 14 hours ago, Lisias said:

    Oh, yes. This year could not end without a Houston for the New Year's Day! :sticktongue:


    Oukey, let's tackle this down before popping the champagne!

    [LOG 08:19:56.435] [TweakScale] INFO: WriteDryCost Concluded : 3711 parts found ; 0 checks failed ; 0 parts with hotfixes ; 0 parts with issues overruled ; 2 Show Stoppers found; 9 Sanity Check failed; 9 unscalable parts.
    [LOG 08:19:56.443] [TweakScale] "Houston, we have a Problem!" about show stoppers on patching was displayed

    Not too bad. 2 show stoppers - but that 9 parts failing to be checked is something that unrest me.

    Well, one problem at time:

    [LOG 08:19:55.256] [TweakScale] ERROR: **FATAL** Part bluedog.CXA.APAS.A.L04F (CADS 0.9375m Docking Port (Active)) has a fatal problem due having duplicated properties - see issue [#34]( https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/TweakScale/issues/34 ). at error:0
    [LOG 08:19:55.257] [TweakScale] ERROR: **FATAL** Part bluedog.CXA.APAS.P (CADS 0.9375m Docking System (Passive)) has a fatal problem due having duplicated properties - see issue [#34]( https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/TweakScale/issues/34 ). at error:0

    Hummm, let's check who is patching these parts:

    [LOG 07:56:42.527] Applying update Bluedog_DB/Compatibility/Tweakscale/tweakscale_APAS/@PART[bluedog_CXA_APAS_A_L04F]:NEEDS[TweakScale] to Bluedog_DB/OldParts/APAS/CXA_APAS_A_L04F.cfg/PART[bluedog_CXA_APAS_A_L04F]
    [LOG 07:57:23.352] Applying update CxAerospace/Station Parts/MM_configs/CXA_TweakScale/@PART[*]:HAS[#author[cxg2827]:HAS[!MODULE[ModuleCommand]]]:AFTER[CxAerospace] to Bluedog_DB/OldParts/APAS/CXA_APAS_A_L04F.cfg/PART[bluedog_CXA_APAS_A_L04F]

    Oh yeah, "old friend". :P The CxAerospace patches for TweakScale are, well, terrible. There's a long history of problems about it...

    TL;DR: someone thought it would be a good idea to patch parts from a specific author, but then this author transfered the rights for some of his parts to 3rd parties, and now these old patches are messing  with parts from unrelated add'ons.  :( 

    I tried to reach CxAerospace's author some years ago, but.. No dice. And I can't fix the thing myself due licensing issues.


    The other part from BDB is also affected by the same problem.

    There's no fix for this problem other than delete the file GameData/CxAerospace/Station Parts/MM_configs/CXA_TweakScale.cfg and install the TweakScale Companion for Living Style, where patches for CxA were reimplemented in a safer way.

    Link for download:  https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/TweakScaleCompanion_LivingStyle/releases/

    Happy New Year! :) 



    Went ahead and did as told! Love working to fix KSP issues right as I wake up on the first day of a new year lol

    Gonna launch the game now and hope all goes well, but I don't doubt it'll work out! Thank you! :D

  5. 1 hour ago, MashAndBangers said:

    Post the full instructions on how to fork a repo.

    On the top right next to the Watch and Star options, click Fork and let Github go through the process. After that, go to the settings of your now forked repo (next to insights), and go to Branches. Where it says "master", go to the arrows on the right side of that section, which should say "Switch to another branch" when hovered over. Click that, select the drop down menu, and select the Apollo revamp branch, and click update. :)

    Forgot to mention! After changing the main branch, you can now download the zip for use from the code section. Not sure if I made that obvious.

  6. 12 hours ago, snkiz said:

    Can you post  a screenshot of your game data folder? the file paths look strange.

    I'm not an expert but I think scatter is failing because there are eve configs but you don't have eve. I just upgraded my scatter and it works fine.


    Oh, I did actually install EVE during my final attempt at troubleshooting, but launching the game again after that still leads to a crash during the final stretch. I'll still upload screenshots though, and logs.

    Log: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1tbwu7zml7-nVBiysE1LCmN53-5NLfd_y/view?usp=sharing

    Screenshot through drive since imgur links don't seem to work: https://drive.google.com/file/d/17xlGRQAiGcN_7-9ztovUEHboirX9wEm5/view?usp=sharing

    I think I might just be having RAM issues now, because KSP seems to constantly increase the amount of memory it uses while loading, going from 2GB to 5 out of my only 8GB of memory, 5GB of which is all that's free because of background processes, causing a Virtual Alloc crash every time. Might try installing MEMGraph and see if that helps at all.

    Edit: Memgraph did actually prevent Vritual Alloc crashes, but now it crashes the same way as before, reaching the final stretch and then crashing with no explanation. I'll post an updated log here.

    New log: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1tbwu7zml7-nVBiysE1LCmN53-5NLfd_y/view?usp=sharing

    Updated GameData, only changes being MemGraph and it's dependencies: https://drive.google.com/file/d/19MAS3g3LzJr3uYz1m8FUFYlsxii1VS8v/view?usp=sharing

  7. On 5/13/2021 at 10:54 AM, Cruesoe said:

    Please use the search, you would have found your answer easily.

    JNSQ  requires Kopernicus. Thishas been updated to 1.11 so JNSQ will run in 1.11.

    I just tried it on a fresh save with only JNSQ, it's dependencies, Kopernicus and then Kopernicus Bleeding Edge separately, all through CKAN, and it hasn't worked. Crashing at the end of loading. 

    Log if you want it, but I haven't found anything myself.


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