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Electricity 123456789

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Everything posted by Electricity 123456789

  1. I have 4096mb RAM and 3890mb available.And does ksp offload itself fully into Ram, but I have 3+GB ram even after cutting the igpu memory (512mb).I guess I have to play on stock and low I just wanted to know whether it will be playable as it's 3.3gb including IGPU memory and system reserved memory.World of warships- takes up 95% of my ram,CSGO-takes 85% of ram, Minecraft is pretty light weight takes up 80% of my ram.I have disabled the Xbox game bar and my antivirus software which(McAfee) which used to erect havoc sucking up my system resources subscription ended,so my system is running much much faster.How much ram does your game use???
  2. Mine is ddr4 2400mhz.Acer aspire E-15,and a nice news is that the ram isnt soldered (I just contacted the Acer service centre to inquire about this matter).I generally don't use anything in background with this laptop and to avoid steam hogging stuff I am even going to buy KSP from store.I just wanted to play ksp(stock only).I haven't seen anything regarding the perfromance with similar specs hence I was a bit worried. Thanks a lot for the reply.I contacted the Acer service centre and they said the ram isn't soldered but upgrading will void the warranty (mine is Acer aspire E-15).I wanted to play the game with 30fps and don't mind setting down the graphical settings till I upgrade the ram of this PC. Can you confirm me one thing-The demo version runs without any hiccups,so will the perfromance which I have on demo scale up with the original game on steam aka will the performance be same as I have heard a lot of perfromance optimisation has gone into the game
  3. Hello guys,nice to meet you all.Actually the main reason of my post is about the performance of Kerbal space program on my laptop.Specs-i3 7100u,4gb ram(which is sadly soldered) and HD 620 graphics from Intel.I have been wanting to buy this game but everytime I am worried about perfromance as my laptop is pretty old and garbage by standards.Plz if anyone could share my their performance in systems with similar specs and ways to improve performance
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