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Everything posted by TinnedEpic

  1. More or less how you turn around on the platform whether it be a 3 point turn (my preference) or a wide arch full speed turn is entirely up to you. Whatever you can do to optimism your time do it. After all I\'m only counting final mission time as the decider of placement on the leaderboard All of these time are fantastic. *updated* I hope you don\'t mind Optical I used your screenshot to make a .jpg Header for this challenge .
  2. It\'s preferable if you can stop but not necessary. Alright updated again.
  3. *Updated* Fantastic times! I couldn\'t have hoped to do better myself. My best time so far is 6:38 so it\'s really not worth mentioning. I have fixed the typo error in the title now, no more trailing for us. oh and in response to the \'defined finish line\' I think it will be determined by the distance traveled. obviously it\'s hard to predict just how far you have traveled but the mountains is close to 40k from the space centre so I\'ve divided the scores into 2 categories. those that fell just short of 40k and those which are close to exactly 40k. so from now on any rover under 38k distance traveled doesn\'t qualify for either category Right now chanic is in the lead with a whopping 3:25 and chanic you overshot the target distance by 9000m . So pull out your Rover again coz you have a chance to beat your previous score.
  4. I am also curious about this. I mean fair enough if Monetization is out of the question I\'m happy to upload without it. Monetization only gets you small change anyways.
  5. Agreed 100%, thank you Squad for an Incredible game. I\'m looking forward to more planets and cool thinks to explore in the future as a permanent player of KSP .
  6. I\'m getting close myself. I lost half my Rover though getting to the mountains looking around the 9 minute mark. I\'m gonna see if I can get away with a faster engine to top your 7 min estimate after I work out how to slow my rover down without tearing it in half
  7. I know right? I thought it would be a good one to do. I managed to hold steady at 100m/s for a 1/3 of the way and I was like \'omg i\'m gonna do it!\'. then I hit a bump and i was airborn. If b doesn\'t work you can always use parachutes which are surprisingly effective. Edit: I noticed there is a hill if you go too fast over it you actually can loose control at high speeds. So looks like you got to slow down at some point to make it over. I think the max would be 40 m/s though if you have enough front end weight you can go a good 60 m/s over the hills.
  8. Mission brief: The KSP wants to begin landing Rover modules on the Mun and Minimus for exploration purposes. They want a Rover which can cover vast distances in as shorter amount of time as possible without sustaining any damage. So to achieve this they have called on you and others to design and test your own Rover which does exactly this. KSP has chosen a testing site which they feel best represents the surface likely to be encountered on Mun or Minimus. The test is to reach the mountain ranges located inland from the Kerbin Space Centre. Distance is roughly 40 000m. The winning Rover will be the one that makes this distance in the least amount of time Undamaged. Rules: -You can only use stock parts. -Rover cannot leave the ground and become airborn at any time (Minor bouncing acceptable). -Rover must be constructed in the hanger (Aka launch from the Runway). -Rover must traverse the ground between the runway and the mountain ranges. -Rover must arrive at the mountain ranges in undamaged. -Must travel at least 38 000m (38k) to qualify. Over 40k is deemed excellent. -Pictures/Videos or it didn\'t happen. Scores *Scores are based of the mission times when you submit your score remember to screen capture your flight results menu* 'Distance: 9k - >40k' Scores 1st: 3:27 chanic (overshot by 4.1k) 2nd: 3:51 chanic (overshot by 5.3k) 3rd: 3:52 Kosmo-not (overshot by 600m) 4th: 4:04 Optical9090 (overshot 700m) 5th: 4:13 SasquatchM 6th: 4:22 Kosmo-not 'Distance: 38k-39k' Scores: 1st: 3:38 Kosmo-not 2nd: 4:54 Shades 3rd: 5:20 Optical9090 4th: 5:33 Shades 5th: 5:54 Shades Good Luck , it\'s challenging. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Challenge Inspired by this video: http://youtu.be/Rhei9mwR3P0
  9. I know it\'s been a while since I\'ve posted. ordinarily this\'d be a dead topic. Just been so busy recently i\'ve had no time to record so I haven\'t given up just yet. I\'ve got one more episode up... http://youtu.be/aA55k6P2evM Now i have to figure out how to convert the only persistence to new persistence. Is it possible?
  10. Thanx, I\'ll try that in my next video when I try to launch the next stage of the station. thanx
  11. Episode 9 is uploaded. http://youtu.be/UScg2eGuC6k Im trying to space these out best I can, hate triple posting. Anyone have feedback?
  12. Hey I\'m doing the same thing atm. it\'s great to see more LP\'ers
  13. Sorry it\'s been so long, I\'ve been so busy trying to get this internet up I lost track of time. In short it\'s not coming anytime soon, so I still got low quality videos. But I have however sorted my sound out. Hopefully it\'s louder, crisper, etc. This episode is terrible though, boring and i was like so tired recording it. soz bout that. http://youtu.be/XXM3ETHmHEY
  14. Well who says kerbal\'s haven\'t learnt to bend light around their mun to avoid having that solar eclipse? (though their level of technology and skills in piloting space crafts should suggest otherwise) It\'s just like the age old question where do kerbal\'s live? (actually now I think about it it\'s nothing like the age old question where do kerbals live, but still none the less another mystery about them we have yet to learn)
  15. lol doing design atm so when i draw pictures they grade me for it 8)
  16. I have a solution but I don\'t think the destruction of headphones is a viable option.
  17. @Whiteowl Thanx for all your input . I\'m gonna implement as much as i can soon. Also your videos are really swell, they look really good. Hey guys, last installment for now of my KSP series. http://youtu.be/CoH1jzJ15W8 As you know it\'s had it\'s high points and low points. Episodes 1-7 really I could say have been learning stages for me. I really appreciated all the input you guys have given me. So I\'m actually going to stop uploading for the moment to take everything on board and try and improve the quality of my videos. I\'m looking into an upgrade for my internet so I can upload better quality rather than this 320p. It might be a while before I get back to my regular once a day posting schedule so for those watching I apologize now and ask for a little patience. Better internet means the possibility of HD videos (720p), higher quality sound and longer videos. Also I wont be starting afresh (unless you want me to) so we can pick up where we left off trying to launch that space station. A little bit of a teaser I\'m going to implement a new \'concept\' or \'idea\' which we can use to get our space station into space . No spoilers though, I\'ll show you what i plan to do once I\'ve upgraded . So we\'re scrapping the Intrepid Rocket Design and going with the new Project Stella. Also once I\'ve updated I\'ll be doing a lot more series this includes Games, readings, Vlogs and possibly Responses (more info once I return). So until then Ladies and Gentlemen I ask for your understanding, I\'m upgrading for you guys so I can bring you better stuff.
  18. I still think that\'s pretty awesome. Ive yet to see a solar eclipse.
  19. I like your style. Ramming the moon is fun. welcome to the forum
  20. My latest Installment of KSP. http://youtu.be/QgFANlA1pWA @White Owl I was thinking Likewise, Do you think i should use the Silhouette I had for the MC pvp arena and Introduction video? It would add consistence however It could look like repetition and pass me off as cheap and nasty. also there is the problem of alignment/cropting. The background is still in the air atm but I\'m working on it. Thanx, Ive been a little apprehensions about that. I\'m also taking on board that advice and I\'m going to record my voice on a second layer. Do you think the games audio track would need altering in any way? I\'m going to start using Audacity (namely cost reasons atm). I have seen a few LP\'ers use the recording in the corner idea for a few videos but they don\'t carry it through. I really like it, it\'s personal and I feel a little more involved when I do that like I have someone I am actually talking to. Atm I\'m recording at a low quality 1 coz when it\'s shrunk to that level the resolution will be lost anyways 2 the program i\'m using only records AVI and after 10 minutes of game play their around 10~gb anyways so transferring them to my main computer is a little easier as well as putting it all together for upload. I\'m thinking however I\'m going to start trying to upload HD (means higher quality portrait recordings). It\'s difficult because that increased the file size by 4x. It already takes me anywhere between 40mins to an hour to upload what I currently have. I create best quality MP4s but as we all know that\'s pretty poor quality in itself. I\'m hoping to upgrade my internet soon but for the time begin I\'ve got to stick with the 480x240? resolution I currently am doing (I have the capacity to record at 1080p, produce at 720p and upload at 360p). As you can tell I\'m taking every practical step to optimize my file size for upload without loosing too much quality. Which leads me to my next question can Mobile users still view my videos if they are uploaded as HD? can they switch back to low quality? What should I look for in terms of Microphone statistics? In terms of speakers I do not care much, As long as the quality of my recordings are not lost. lol yeahhhhh I got no excuse. But I figure it\'s better than spamming a forum thread with \'sub here\' or something. :3
  21. Agreeing with the above ^ This forum is really friendly , a really nice place to come chat and play.
  22. Latest Episode, Episode 5 Fly my beauty Warning Spoiler alert for episode 6! My beauty didn\'t fly T.T http://youtu.be/FAjhFH_lTdM
  23. True, I completely agree. I would love to make all of these HD but as it is I don\'t have the internet capacity to upload HD . Like i can record HD 1080p and I\'d love to. I could try for my next few videos but no promises.
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