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Everything posted by TinnedEpic

  1. Latest Episode http://youtu.be/XJdcWgERJCk
  2. Thanx , Well I\'ve converted the Thread explain what i do (what I plan to) and I\'ve proofed it as best I can. So I hope it\'s satisfactory.
  3. Welcome Ladies and Gentlemen This post was originally to check out how the community would react to me posting videos here and basically to ensure I wasn\'t going to upset anyone in doing so (always uphold morality and respect ). Due to a Splendid interest from a few players I\'ve decided to convert this post and have it as my main youtube thread. Thank you Gojira, Samstarman and Drakomis for giving me the initial feedback and suggestion to turn this thread into my youtube thread . Who am I? That\'s a very good question Italicized text, I\'m a very new broadcaster to youtube in short. I come from Australia (the \'sunburn\' country) and study design. I wanted to start broadcasting mainly as a side project or something to give purpose to my gaming habits. However in starting up and getting use to the camera, talking, rambling I began to really enjoy doing it. Not because of the attention (which is nearly zilch ) but simple because I\'ve become really comfortable, It\'s become a place for me to express and feel at ease like I can act myself or the person I want to be. but enough bout that, you want to know what i cover on my channel. What do you do? My introductory video explains this better: http://youtu.be/vhaQwca7fgc In short I\'m promoting Indie/Community developed games by creating lets plays or broadcasts of their content. I\'m promoting myself as a professional (thus the suit, black and white theme and the symbols/figures). Indie games go unappreciated by the majority of gamers and many of them like KSP have fantastic content, ideas and concepts and they really involve you in their development on a personal level. I love Indie developed games over mainstream gaming simply because of the creatively, personal touch and how unique some of them can be. So my goal is 2 things; 1 explore the many fantastic games of the indie/young company/community developed world and 2 provide some level of promotion for them to encourage people to play them. Enough said, show us some KSP Episode 1: First launch I stuffed up the video\'s sound. Unfortunately it cant really be fixed unless I rerecord. http://youtu.be/G8ZBcbi65xE Episode 2: Shoddy orbit Again sound issues I could go back and fix this however if you wanted me to. http://youtu.be/-hVc5PE2sCs Episode 3: Satellites! Sound is fixed :3. But spelling....... well lets just say like Mun Kerbals call their \'satalites\' something different. http://youtu.be/nKKSErKPGbQ Episode 4: Optimizing Just me optimizing my Interpid designs http://youtu.be/XJdcWgERJCk Episode 5: Fly my beauty Creating a Space station http://youtu.be/FAjhFH_lTdM Episode 6: Space Station fail Crashing my space station D: http://youtu.be/QgFANlA1pWA Episode 7 The end of my initial broadcasting series. Don\'t worry ill be back. http://youtu.be/CoH1jzJ15W8 Episode 8 Told you i\'d be back , boring episode though http://youtu.be/XXM3ETHmHEY Episode 9 Finally success! awesome episode. http://youtu.be/UScg2eGuC6k Episode 10 Been a long time o.O, sorry for the wait, lot going on atm. http://youtu.be/aA55k6P2evM So leave me feedback on what you think, anything you liked/disliked, anything I should add etc. Oh and I wish to give credit to ChronoNomad (he\'s not here on this forum), but he\'s the artist who\'s given me permission to use his original music on my youtube videos. He\'s brilliant, I have linked his newgrounds page on my videos so if your interested go check that out. Original Post if your interested Hey everyone, epic here. I just had a few questions about KSP/youtube etc. I couldn\'t really justify placing them in the support section as their not directly related to the running of KSP itself. I just wanted to know how everyone reacts to KSP Youtube videos? or since I\'m a new youtuber myself where I might place videos on the forum. Coz you know, I know there are a few people like \'Rawr! not another bloody youtuber looking for more subscribers!\'. Well maybe not like that exactly, but you get what i mean, some people find it annoying to see newbies like myself posting videos all over the forum. So I just wanted to ask if anyone would be interesting in seeing some of what I have posted and furthermore which section of the forum i would post it in assuming it is acceptable on the forum? If I\'ve posted this in the wrong section also I apologize in advance.
  4. years, months, days or hours welcome to the forum .
  5. Hi I\'m TinnedEpic and I forget to put my SAS on sometimes :3. This is because I am relatively new to KSP, I thought since I\'ve been posting on the forum already it might be nice to introduce myself. So far I\'ve left orbit and the atmosphere, next step for me is to establish an orbit . Newbie ftw. But seriously I\'m really loving Kerbal space program, Im looking forward to getting to know you all as this game progresses .
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