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Everything posted by gulan33

  1. I have another issue, installation works, but Earth is kerbin size if not even smaller and atmosphere ends at 69,1km. I see no "Configuration.cfg" in the files, only a "2.5xKSRSS.cfg" and that one is all set on being 2.5 so I don't understand why the planet feels even smaller then Kerbin Also, I get no clouds despite installing KSRSSVE
  2. Hey, how do I download this? The homepage just has "soon" under "Download"
  3. Now its mainly "Material doesn't have a texture property '_BumpMap'" and "Material doesn't have a texture property '_MainTex'" and some "Material doesn't have a texture property '_Emissive'" No idea what mod is causing this
  4. How did you list the Errors? I would like to do yhet with my updated mod list
  5. Any recommendations? Im not very good at those stuff so any help would be fantastic
  6. Any recommendations? Im not very good at those stuff so any help would be fantastic
  7. I installed all of them using CKAN. I just uninstall and reinstall?
  8. Yes srry can u accses this one? https://1drv.ms/u/s!AsxThOBxja4WgRzGLf9PsR0COY-6?e=ce6iPE It should be the entire log Thx
  9. This a little messy im srry but i dont know how else to do it My very modded KSP save is crashing often when i enter/exit the VAB, go to tracking station, switch vessel and launching vessels. I hope somebody smart can take a look...
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