We've always speculated on the time for each info drop (A feature video, A dev log, etc), however. With the delays the game experienced all predictions were extremely flawed. But now, with KSP 2 team finally starting to release feature videos with regular intervals starting from Episode 2, we can safely guess when each will release. Still, we don't know how many feature videos there would be. So here's my predictions:
Colonies - Explains how colonies mechanics works and how they'd be useful.
KSC - Shows the KSC, and various buildings such as VAB.
Planets - Shows a verity of planets, including a lot of interstellar ones.
Animated Tutorials - Shows how the tutorials were designed and talks about what the game designers did to make it beginner friendly and educational.
Gameplay & Gameplay loop/progression - Shows how large the tech tree is and talks about how the contract system works.
Aerodynamics - Shows planes, how the aerodynamical system works and how much of an improvement it is from KSP, and weather system. (if there's any weather system present)
Multiplayer - Shows how multiplayer works. I am 100% this feature video is going to be the last one before the game releases.
Now... Assuming the game releases in late 2022 (worst case), that's going to be 4 months for each feature video drop, that seems a bit unreasonable to me. I'd accept 2-3 months. Am I missing something? If so, what do you think is missing?
Note: I used the formula 24 months remain / 7 feature videos = 4 months/feature video