So check this out, I made this video a while back, even before making this post, and was one of the things I have designed that made it clear that we need to be able to activate and deactivate KAL-1000 controllers with action groups.
Starship Mini - Lunar Lander Launch and Return Mission -
I designed the craft with three main "modes":
- takeoff
- reentry
- landing
Each of the modes are "activated" by playing a specific KAL-1000 controller for that mode, while pausing the other controllers. It kind of has the effect of allowing each mode to activated individually, although it's an odd work around. The controllers (and hence flaps) also do not automatically return to a neutral position like the space-plane flaps and are not linked to the autopilot.
You will be able to see from the video, why the interpolation is needed for advanced craft designs. When trying to land the "Starship Mini" there is only one controller active, and it can only control pitch. The roll and yaw axis control are non-existent and the craft only really maintains those orientations because of it's inherent stability.
It would be awesome to be able to mount the main probe core to a hinge, and have the flaps attached to the autopilot via the KAL-1000 controllers, then simply setting probe core relative angle with the hinge and with the autopilot for example prograde, will set the desired craft pitch, and the autopilot can do the hard work of controlling the flaps to maintain orientation.
Enjoy the video, it's short and sweet, and the landing nicely illustrates what I am talking about with KAL-1000 controller interpolation.
Kind Regards,