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Sky Kerman

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Everything posted by Sky Kerman

  1. KSP MOVVIIIEEE Then it will end with The Ksc Being moved to ths KSP2 Ksc.
  2. When you land on it it would start playing Rick Ashley's Never Gonna Give You up, then teleport you back to kerbin. And you would only have 1 minuet to collect you science. But hears the catch if you plant a flag on it you can go back freely with out the teleporting and music.
  3. at 9:34. If you did not know the KSC is at the bottom of the place that looks like Africa, will you be able to find the old KSC at the bottom of the ocean?
  4. I think kerbals should react to rocket crashes on eva. Like kerbals reacting to a crashed rocket on another hevenly body. And i think kerbals should act sad if only one kerbal can get out and deploy there eva chute on time, and the rest of the kerbals crash with the rocket.
  5. oh its in this vid that i made https://youtu.be/7gqvnXCm82I
  6. https://youtu.be/7gqvnXCm82I How bout this.
  7. Copy and past these links [snip] Thats Nate S Kerman on Merble [snip] Thats the Sea Dragon tacking off from Rask and Rusk Hope you like it dev team i know you like the sea dragon, Nate told me!
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