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  1. Solved! Thanks, I admit I just copied over the GameData like I do with most things. If the Animated Attachments folder was in the Extras that would probably be enough to prevent people like me copying it over when they don't specifically need it. Anyways, thanks again!
  2. Thanks goodness! I was sure it would be something specific to my setup. I am using the vertical elevators and it does seem to do the same as your video, with the exception being that it 'drags' vertically down and the vehicle dissembles most of the time. I will try and take a video as well to show the issues. Many thanks in advance for any thoughts anyone might have as to the cause of this. I love the mod and it would be brilliant to get it fully working.
  3. Hello all, Apologies if this has been addressed before. Every time I try to move the crew elevators (Small Modular or Mini Modular) it causes the vehicle to break apart, almost as if the elevator car is attached to the main vehicle and 'drags' it down with it. Sometimes this just causes heavy swaying and the vehicle is intact, but most of the time its followed by explosions... Any help would be great, I absolutely love this mod. Thanks in advance!
  4. Hello All, I have had a problem recently with all of my ships failing to respond to RCS rotation. Some ships fire one small 'puff' of monoprop before cutting off and other dont work at all. Rotation control with MechJeb works fine, as does Translation. Essentially, everything works as normal EXCEPT for manual RCS rotation. As far as I can tell it isn't a problem with the keyboard (as repeat strokes work fine and reaction wheel rotation is OK), or the thrusters (they work fine in everyother circumstance). I have also checked all the advanced tweakables and am at a loss. I have removed every mod I installed recently to no effect and tried to find a toggle switch that I messed up, but nada... Any help or ideas would be greatly appreciated!
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