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Posts posted by Nikodga

  1. On 6/18/2024 at 11:31 AM, dave1904 said:

    You will need to edit the exploration science defs in the skyhawk kerbalism cfgs. I'm exhausted today but if you need help I can look at it. I've fixed 99% of the science issues here but have forgotten what I've done etc. I love skyhawk kerbalism but I can understand why its not maintained. It burns you out with all the compatability patches. 

    Hey, took a long break, sorry for the late reply

    I've oppened the ExplorationExperiments.cfg under SkyhawkKerbalism\System\ScienceRework\ScienceDefs but i cant make sense of it.
    Have you uploaded the patches you've made somewhere? have you been able to fix this bug?


  2. I've encountered a bug where the inline mystery goo and the mystery good pod dont have enough resources to run the goo experiment, however, the micro goo radiometer from BDB has goo to run the experiment. is there any way we can fix the inline and pod mystery good units?.

    Forgot to add, this is with kerbalism. it says depleted in the science menu

  3. 4 hours ago, OrbitalManeuvers said:

    hey my apologies for totally spacing on jnsq's existing configs for statics ... i have other stuff placing statics and completely blanked on what comes from where. Anyway, are you able to use the KK editor by pressing Ctrl+K in the flight scene? If that doesn't work then you have a more general KK problem probably not related to JNSQ

    It doesnt work, i've read in KK post that some issue is making the editor not work in the lastest version of KSP

  4. 13 minutes ago, DeadJohn said:

    JNSQ places many KK statics around Kerbin. Quoting from the top post in this thread:

    • JNSQ provides at least 14 facilities powered by Kerbal Konstructs and requires Omega's Stockalike Stuctures. Most of these facilities have gameplay features within them for making use of spare kerbals, launching and refueling ships, farming funds or science, expanding DSN coverage, recovering for funds in career. Most of these facilities are hidden by default and must be found.
      • 9 of these are airports.
      • 2 of these directly replace the MH launch sites (Woomera2 for Woomerang, and Darude for Dessert).
      • 2 of these are mountain-top observatories with science farming and full DSN capabilities.




    I've installed all the dependencies, the issue is that they are NOT being placed for an unknow reason, im trying to understand why and hopefully make them appear. I installed everything trough CKAN.

  5. 17 minutes ago, JadeOfMaar said:

    JNSQ contains the configs and requires OSSNTR which is the asset pack... You must also ensure that you have GameData/CustomPreLaunchChecks/ which is bundled with and required by KK or else KK doesn't function.

    Interesting!, I did not have that folder in my gamedata folder. CKAN did not install KK properly it seems. im gonna do a manual install of KK and see what happens.


    EDIT: i did have CustomPreLaunchChecks in my gamedata folder, checked via CKAN as well and it was installed there.
    I don't know what im doing wrong - i really want these new facilities to spawn but they're not

  6. 1 hour ago, OrbitalManeuvers said:

    KK+OSSNTR only gives you the ability to have those statics in world - neither of those actually places any. Have a look at KSCExtended for more info. You can also use the KK editor to place them yourself.

    I thought JNSQ would add them automatically to kerbin - im not very knowledgefull on the how to add any of these places, and i really want them to have real airports for my airliners. could you give me a link to KSCExtended or give me a quick rundown on how i add them?


    1 hour ago, OrbitalManeuvers said:

    Also, how is the parallax stuff working for you on JNSQ?

    Pretty good. I looked around for config files for parallax and JNSQ and found this: GitHub - coldrifting/JNSQ_ParallaxScatters: Adds parallax scatter support to KSP's JNSQ planet mod

    Before i added this, i saw flying grass up to 3 kilometers and clouds were nonexistent during flight. after i added this everything has been working as expected - including collisions with trees and other objects

    I also found other configs for JNSQ +  Parallax but i only tried the one i linked, and since it worked i didnt bother with trying this other one: 

  7. I have installed JNSQ, KK and Omega structures as instructed here, all trough CKAN
    However, i cant for the life of me figure how to make the structures appear, I've skimmed trough this forum but couldn't find any answer.
    Could i get some help?

    Modlist: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/965685y6vroxocgefr1vc/Modlist.txt?rlkey=ro293o8riqk47xaofdfj50yav&st=153cyiv5&dl=0
    Log: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/tl1dqen42ehjgm5bqtmf8/Player.log?rlkey=5lu6zct4lsiku3z966pmz8te6&st=buc8hhe6&dl=0

  8. Good afternoon

    When i copy a part, like a wing (seen in example video), all the parts that were attached to the main part dont copy properly, were the position of the parts dont save (im guessing). 

    I have a modded install, most of them installed trough CKAN expect for SSTU and Warbird cockpits

    Tried to read trough the log but when i copy the part the log doesnt create a new line




    LOG https://drive.google.com/file/d/1G1md002TK4DD90zPuXJeja7kfK0aLlpU/view?usp=sharing

  9. Hello!

    I've been shaking my head around how to makes custom IVAs using RPM and ASET props but i just cant.... i dont know unity and i havent found any comprehensive tutorial for total newbies that covers the basics (When i say basics i mean the absolute basics like.. how to install TM pro or how to install PartTools, yeah.. the most basics for absolute noobs... like myself).

    The reason i want ASET RPM IVAs for USI pods is because i'm doing a full IVA playtrough but i find myself limited on the pods i can actually use

    USI have pretty nice pods and i would love to use them but since there's no advanced IVAs for them i find myself limited

    Have someone already done advanced IVAs for USI pods? if so i beg you lend those!! haha. If no I'm willing to put the time to learn how to use unity to make custom IVAs but i really need guidance since i'm just shooting in the dark here.



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