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Everything posted by Nic0o0o

  1. Hi all, I just installed Stockalike Station Parts Redux using CKAN (on KSP 1.9.1, just installed, it had no mod before today) and B9PartSwitch always gives me a fatal error like in the photo due to missing the 'Food' element . Looking at the KSP logs I have, perhaps, managed to trace a problem inside the tank files of the Stockalike Station Parts Redux, but I don't know how to solve the problem, can someone help me please? Image of the error: https://www.dropbox.com/s/dgpdkjy7rf0dyqa/Error.png?dl=0 KSP and ModuleManager logs in this folder: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/gqbg4bfo16a61x5/AACBLgt0elg29cq24vrDWGIva?dl=0 Thanks in advance.
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