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  1. Hi everyone, I am having this problem. When I use symmetry, the object is not reflected correctly, can you tell me why? Thank you very much This is the example image
  2. Hi all, I can't get this simple test object to move along its axis. It always moves along the global axis, in this case the X axis. I am attaching some images for clarity. I would like to make the piece move along the red line and not along the yellow one. I realized the object on blender and used the io_object_mu tool to export it. Thanks a lot for the help. https://imgur.com/oLGnyvw https://imgur.com/NqFCCt4
  3. hi, i have this problem with shaders, does anyone have any idea what could be causing this? it's like it's transparent where the camera points Thanks to all
  4. Hello everyone! I wanted to know if it was possible to Inster a Cargo storage unit into the inventory of another Cargo storage unit... I tried to add the two modules (ModuleCargoPart, ModuleInventoryPart) inside the file.cfg, but it does not work... es. MODULE { name = ModuleCargoPart packedVolume = 14 } MODULE { name = ModuleInventoryPart InventorySlots = 3 packedVolumeLimit = 180 } Thanks to everyone
  5. Hi, I tried to attack a part by sending it via container and assemble it, but all things exploded. I can do something about it?
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