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Everything posted by Zach1

  1. I'm trying to make a Minmus refueling station and I know how to do that and already have a design in mind but I wanted to build gravity rings on it like I've seen in YouTube videos and then leave some Kerbals on board make it a space station and refueling station so i made the rings before anything else and my problem is they work perfectly in the VAB but once I launch it just wobbles back and forth I can only upload images not clips so I uploaded a clip to streamable also yes the torque limit is at 100% its already set when spawning on the launchpad if anyone knows how to make this work please help (For anyone who would reply that there are mods that just add gravity ring parts I do not want to use any mods that add parts I don't have a problem with mods you can see in the clip I have some installed but I I don't like using part mods)
  2. Stage Recovery sounds like exactly what I am looking for thank you
  3. So for awhile I've wanted to land my side boosters but as you all know you cant control them after detachment or the main craft will crash into back into Kerbin since you haven't finished putting it into orbit. I've tried using parachutes but once out of range they stop slowing the booster's since the physics aren't being loaded and it just crashes into the surface anyways. So is there a mod that freezes things outside of range of the physics so I can just take control of the side boosters after entering orbit or even a mod that does anything else to solve the issue as long as the performance loss Isn't really noticeable.
  4. Oh ok why isn't it just called the same thing when on the launchpad / runway also why not just have that slider be out of 200% because whenever i set the "Motor Size & Output" changing the torque / force limit still has an impact for example if I set "Motor Size & Output" to 1 then launch and change torque / force limit to 1 I still can get a different effect then is possible to make in my saved craft using the VAB / SPH is there a mod / setting that would allow me to do that
  5. Does anyone know of a mod that enables you to edit the torque / force limit of motors, servos, hydraulics, etc from inside the VAB / SPH or maybe I'm just not seeing some setting that allows me to do this in the base game Those are the option available from inside the VAB and you get the same settings if you change to the SPH but then on the launchpad / runway you get these options So basically my problem is when I save my craft and go to launch it in the future I cant actually save all the settings id like to because options such as the torque / force limit are not available until I launch my craft. So I load my saved craft go to launch and it doesn't work properly cause i didn't save it with all the setting I designed it to work with. I say "options such as" however I'm not actually aware of any other example where you cant access some setting until you launch the craft but I'm sure there is probably something else. and just incase this is relevant the mods I'm using are: Module Manager - 4.1.4 Kerbal Engineer - Kerbal Alarm Clock - Transfer Window Planner - Docking Port Alignment Indicator -
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