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Everything posted by Nike1155

  1. Hello, and ow, its really been 4 years and I'm only now posting a message on the welcome page >.=.<" Been a fan of KSP and playing since 0.14 (i still remember when people had to land very, VERY carefully because there were no landing legs, so people used those canard-like surfaces that were just a little so larger than one of the engines...), and only ever stopped playing when KSP stopped being free, only to get back at it once i started having money of my own haha It's been a long time and i was shy plus very young and chilean, so not much talking, and if there was its been probably buried on who knows how much dust, but: hey, i guess, hello! Now, off to get CKAN again to load myself up with mods x3 Cheers to everyone!
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