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Still Stuck in Orbit

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  1. Definitely agree although it would make this economically difficult and mean the Kerbals would have to go around with spare parts. The EVA building could be done in ship yards but it still seems like a really enriching property that opens up so many more possibilities. I'm also wondering what kind of new specialization might come up and how they could actually tie into the game play more.
  2. Thank you so much for taking your time to do this repository. The hype train is still running!! With 1.11 out we can ask ourselves whether the EVA building and repairing characteristics will appear in KSP 2 (especially due to the number of sequences with Kerbals breaking things (although you'd need more than 1 repair kit to repair a whole colony)). This might seem more controversial but having an evolving environment with Rask and Rusk possibly colliding. Accessibility to as many players as possible by making the release not too intensive for a computer. (https://www.kerbalspaceprogram.com/dev-diaries/developer-insights-4-ksp2-engineering/) Lagrange points (for Rask and Rusk at the very least https://www.kerbalspaceprogram.com/dev-diaries/developer-insights-4-ksp2-engineering/) Trading in between colonies (in multiplayer https://www.kerbalspaceprogram.com/dev-diaries/developer-insights-4-ksp2-engineering/) Tutorials (maybe put a bit more emphasis on that in your list https://www.kerbalspaceprogram.com/dev-diaries/developer-insights-5-ksp2-tutorial-animations/) Other small details I noticed that might be true: its probably just the animation but there are footprints of the Kerbals on EVA visible sonic waves might be a heads up display (possible 1 person gameplay?) the ability to simulate gravity (with the rotating ring) actual space telescopes for observing distant objects (talks with James Webb project scientist)
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