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Everything posted by yoanpg

  1. You got it ! I built my lander upside-down on the top of the rocket (the lander engines were toward the top), however my capsule was in the "normal" orientation. This is the reason why the navball was pointing brown. I changed the persistant file to rotation the capsule and it is now stable! Thanks a lot
  2. Thank you for your answer. But even with very small mass, that's the same I've just realized that the ship is losing the stability on the side it is inclined, because my lift off surface is not horizontal. I tried to move the ship to another zone almost horizontal (very small inclinaison) but same. It that a center of gravity issue with my ship?
  3. Hi all, I've been to Duna with a lander + rover, and now I would like to lift off from Duna. My ship has a center tank, a capsule, a docking port, 2 side tanks with 2 engines, 3 landing legs and an antenna (see image and persistent file). I've done the error to make a disymetric ship, so I would like to cheat a bit to be able to lift off. I have modified the files to set landing legs and antenna mass to 0: persistent.sfs file GameData\Squad\Parts\Utility\landingLegLT-2\landingLegLT-2.cfg GameData\Squad\Parts\Utility\RelayAntennas\RA-50.cfg However, when I lift off, it is totally unstable (see video) even with SAS activated. I also try to activate the prograde stabilization, it stays stable a bit, then start to oscillate arround prograde point until the moment it spins upside down again I have no idea why my ship in not stable. Any clue? What can I do to be able to lift off? Thank you for your help
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