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  1. So... Apparently KSP don't want to recognize jsi mods... I tried to get 2 mods out of the folder, but still i get this error: https://imgur.com/a/suH5RzZ plz hnelp mne
  2. someone help me https://ibb.co/dBr7bZb (cant reach it)
  3. WHY THIS IS HAPENNS!?!?!? file:///C:/Users/%D0%96%D0%BE%D0%BA%D0%B0/Desktop/fgh.png Mods: file:///C:/Users/%D0%96%D0%BE%D0%BA%D0%B0/Desktop/mods.png
  4. http://www./download/dptj659hz8r8gn2/AmericanPack.zip Не работает. Почему? Ошибка: DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN
  5. Облаков нет, Атмосферы нет, светов городов нет и тут я решил призадуматься. Открыл я окно настроек EVE и увидел надпись No config! Please add a config with the content of "EVE_CLOUDS{}" to populate. Как это исправить? There are no clouds, no atmosphere, no city lights, and then I decided to think about it. I opened the EVE settings window and saw the inscription No config! Please add a config with the content of "EVE_CLOUDS{}" to populate. How to fix it?
  6. just because. и тогда какие эти oh sorry, and then what are these three mods? I think the SSTU mod will work.
  7. just because. и тогда какие эти oh sorry, and then what are these three mods? I think the SSTU mod will work.
  8. but this is in ksp 1.11.0 but this is in ksp 1.11.0
  9. I open command prompt and see this: Exception: ReflectionTypeLoadException: Exception: of type 'System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException' was throw How to fix it?
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