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Everything posted by RabidToothBrush

  1. Hi so i'm trying to install realism overhaul on 1.8.1 and I found it was very frustrating to install it manually so I tried to install CKAN. It was going pretty well, I installed CKAN and put it in my KSP folder. The problem is when I try to install a mod, the keybind is command D, but it just doesn't work. I was looking at CKAN tutorials but they're all using windows so their version of CKAN is different because i'm on mac. Is that normal? Anyways, sorry if this was kind of vague, I you know any CKAN tutorials for mac users let me know. Thanks. Update: so i'm pretty confident i've installed CKAN correctly but for some stupid reason I can't figure out how to actually install mods using it with mac. Here's an image of CKAN as it is for me if it helps. https://imgur.com/a/1jMhljQ
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