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  1. Hey, what about making a discord server for the mod? it would be kinda cool to get quick support from other players and to share our findings,missions ETC also how do i config scatterer so frontier's atmo isnt blue like kerbin's. EDIT;okay i got rid of the stock folders from scatterer but it is still blue, gonna try getting rid of astronomer EDIT2 getting rid of astronomer worked wonders
  2. maybe the community resource pack or rational resources but idk im no modder well since the only use of the stock ore resource is making fuel then its kinda self explanatory and for instance the ones in MKS or EL would help by allowing building ships anywhere else than frontier
  3. is resource support planned? like so its possible to use mods like EL and umbra space industries with this (amazing) pack?
  4. wait sorry for asking but where even is that stock folder?
  5. Okay i read the txt so im going to contact you here as frontier's atmosphere isnt white (also any idea why my kerbal just... poofed and died for no reason on echo?)
  6. Okay thank you. and i see that resource support is already here so nice
  7. sorry for yet another question/comment but are the new surfance scatters colidable? and does any of the new features/fixes/changes require me to start a new save? also i have a bug where are the planets are black in-flight (i after i donwloaded and deleted parralax). Even after reinstalling everything the planets still lack textures exepct for frontier ANOTHER EDIT i fixed the texture bug more or less but the terrain scatters are not present
  8. Amazing planetpack,story and everything but is the lack of EL's (extraplanetary launchpads) metal ore a a feature? as i found it only on frontier but there is none on scar,echo,scourge,night (those are the ones i managed to scan yet) at least according to the survey scanners,Scansat and EL's inbuilt metal ore scanners.it would be nice to have the ability to build rockets off world in here
  9. recovering the vessels seems to unload the craft (as it probably should) but doesnt bring you back to the KSC and the vessel recovery scre
  10. Amazing mod but it would be nice if it had some support for life support mods like SNACKS! so i could use the hydroponics module you made to grow snacks
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