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Everything posted by MirrorsareHard154

  1. https://we.tl/t-d4w3v6CTc1 Nevermind it still brokey, pressing any button, at least once I get to the main menu, KSP never likes inputs when its loading in the first place, still crashes
  2. So that worked, for some reason, despite it being in the gamedata folder, that mod was nowhere to be found among my installs in CKAN, and I can't remember it having to be installed as part of a dependency, Unity is a strange beast
  3. Well, it gets to the main menu now, but pressing any key just instantly closes the game
  4. AVC Won't let me play KSP as it thinks this needs to be at version even though there's only on github
  5. Got the mod just as the new update dropped, mod broke, can't paste any logs, and KSP.log is somehow 214MB
  6. Will we ever see those cargo bays get plane versions? Rotating them to be used as fuselages makes the navball off-center, also, any chance of massive wings and similar control surfaces, and make it easy to, you know, mirror the thing without the mirrored side going upside down, also a 7.5 metre cockpit would be awesome, along with landing gear that are integrated into fuselages, cockpit and wings, with the option to toggle them to be there or not. I know its 'space program' and not 'air force' but the planes are lacking badly.
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