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  1. F1 for the shuttle? I wonder what it looks like I have noticed that mounting the engines on the rocket rather than the shuttle eliminates unstable flight after SRB separation. PCB - is this some kind of add-on?
  2. Instability was the main problem with this add-on, I don’t know if it was due to an incorrect build of the add-on (perhaps something is not working correctly, or was not ported to Unity correctly), or bad configurations, but I spent a lot of time on it and could not solve the problem.
  3. Yes, it's frozen indefinitely, and it's not Energia 2 MKS is currently running at 2.5x scale, so the second version will also be tuned for 2.5x
  4. This add-on is a complete rework, without even getting a release. The old version was one continuous bug and was also strange in terms of design. Now there is rework of the main spaceship. Old New The rocket will also receive a redesign.
  5. I do not know if anyone will restore the original add-on, but I have my own model based on this add-on. Although still need to wait for modding in KSP 2
  6. Sorry for the late reply, but then I have no idea what's wrong with it, it still works fine for me.
  7. B9PartSwitch obligatory add-on. no This add-on is still frozen, I'm waiting for modding in KSP2.
  8. Hopefully the best thing to come in KSP2 is good modding tutorials.
  9. Thanks, but unfortunately I'm not sure when I can complete this add-on. It contains a lot of bugs, KSP lacks good tutorials on how to create add-ons, so I'm looking for a solution to problems that arise for too long, it's tiring.
  10. And yet it does not work, perhaps because the animation works like a solar panel, and the "ModuleCargoBay" is superfluous, or I do not understand or do something wrong.
  11. The science lab was in development along with the station, but after the unity incident, I lost interest in this add-on, but it is not abandoned, but simply frozen. Possibly before the release of KSP 2.) It has a cargo hold, and the ship itself has room for a micro satellite. I will also develop a special rover for him. Yes, I thought about additional struts, although this is not a priority now, but the opening of the panels will remain at the same level. The start of the development of the first stage.
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