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  1. Yes, it's frozen indefinitely, and it's not Energia 2 MKS is currently running at 2.5x scale, so the second version will also be tuned for 2.5x
  2. This add-on is a complete rework, without even getting a release. The old version was one continuous bug and was also strange in terms of design. Now there is rework of the main spaceship. Old New The rocket will also receive a redesign.
  3. I do not know if anyone will restore the original add-on, but I have my own model based on this add-on. Although still need to wait for modding in KSP 2
  4. Sorry for the late reply, but then I have no idea what's wrong with it, it still works fine for me.
  5. B9PartSwitch obligatory add-on. no This add-on is still frozen, I'm waiting for modding in KSP2.
  6. Hopefully the best thing to come in KSP2 is good modding tutorials.
  7. Thanks, but unfortunately I'm not sure when I can complete this add-on. It contains a lot of bugs, KSP lacks good tutorials on how to create add-ons, so I'm looking for a solution to problems that arise for too long, it's tiring.
  8. And yet it does not work, perhaps because the animation works like a solar panel, and the "ModuleCargoBay" is superfluous, or I do not understand or do something wrong.
  9. The science lab was in development along with the station, but after the unity incident, I lost interest in this add-on, but it is not abandoned, but simply frozen. Possibly before the release of KSP 2.) It has a cargo hold, and the ship itself has room for a micro satellite. I will also develop a special rover for him. Yes, I thought about additional struts, although this is not a priority now, but the opening of the panels will remain at the same level. The start of the development of the first stage.
  10. Yes, but most likely it will not be possible to set up the cargo bay properly, because they work like solar panels. Although I'm not good at it.
  11. Thank you! but unfortunately I "lost" the files, now it will be very difficult to recover it. I know about the orbiter menu, infinite RCS is inconvenient though easy to fix, but right now minishuttle is not available in Unity and it will take a long time to set it up again. Now released a small patch that fixes the problem with the fragility of the solar panels on the shuttle, now they will not require jewelry landing: https://spacedock.info/mod/2678/KerbalMiniShuttle
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