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Everything posted by Ethan13

  1. Apparently, I had a connection problem. I had half of the live broadcast with freezes. Thank you for your answers. Your explanations helped me imagine what happened there.
  2. In the course of our lives, this is absolutely unrealistic. But once the flight of a plane was considered a fantasy. Every year, someone finds errors in previous math calculations or suggests new ones. Perhaps we don't have enough knowledge about physics yet. It would be great if travel above the speed of light were possible without breaking the laws of physics.
  3. What happened? Why was the broadcast so bad? Why is the landing even worse than it was before? I hope no one got hurt?
  4. Do you mean that projects with the deployment of bases on the moon will be constantly postponed for a long time? I think so too. But I hope that Gateway and Artemis and much more will be implemented. What will definitely not happen is a space elevator to the moon.
  5. However, people are going to set up a base on the moon. The camp will be equipped with a lunar rover that will be able to scan the terrain for water sources, a habitable mobile platform for a 45-day expedition, and a "habitat" in the form of a stationary structure that can accommodate up to 4 people at a time. The beginning of the creation of the Lunar Base can be considered the beginning of the Gateway project. I think this is already a rather ambitious mission.
  6. All rockets are fine. This is a very difficult choice. I like all modern rockets. Each of the missiles that are being launched now has some interesting advantages. I really love that new startup can rush into the race thanks to the advancement of 3D printing and composites. Hopefully, I can pick my favourite when the Skyrora XL launches.
  7. Perhaps they were talking about the astronaut dogs of 1960? (Yes, I remember they didn't fly to the moon). And then something went wrong. Wrong conclusions can be drawn from any conversation.
  8. It's great that we have made such progress in technology. But why is the sound of the wind the same as on Earth? The atmosphere is thinner. Shouldn't this somehow affect the sounds? Shouldn't sound travel faster?
  9. Orbiter, Spaceflight Simulator, MSFS. Now there are so many interesting things available that you can not get out of your computer for months. Now you can feel like an engineer in a space company without leaving your home.
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