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  1. Hello. Thank you for all the work you've put into this. I have question about how to manage my nuclear engines. I am running a test with the Neptune Trimodal and I am having trouble when shutting the engine down. I have plenty of cooling attached, but when I shutdown the engine when it is at full heat all cooling stops and heat climbs until the reactor melts down. The only way I can safely shut it down is to manually throttle the Fission Reactor down to minimum, wait until it cools, and then shutdown the engine. Is this intended?
  2. Is there any documentation on how to make wheels compatible with collisions? I would like to fix wheels that aren't working.
  3. I've also encountered this issue. I did a test with the MKS Karibou rover wheels. Everything works fine with the stock wheels. I've never worked on KSP mods before but I will look into a fix. https://imgur.com/YqZY05k
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