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  1. Thanks for your answer, I was also trying to do something similar, but fortunately I found an outdated mod (I know it's not the best practice) that still works, that sets the upwards and downwards vertical velocities. I think I should use the extra height from your equation and the mod, since it gives me more breathing space if something needs correction when performing the tests. TBH I didn't even know that KSP had a cheat menu, I guess I should use to not waste fuel getting the required height for the tests. h= (vf2-vvrt2) / (2g) = (5m/s)2-(2m/s)2 / (2*(0.166*9.81m/s2)) = 6.4814m vf2=vi2+2ah; (vf2-vi2)/(2a) = h = (2m/s)2-(0m/s)2/(2(0.166*9.81m/s2)) = 1.2281m We pretty much used the same equations, but I started with K2+U1 = K2+U2 both equations had the same form since in my case the mass gets removed when solving for the height
  2. Hi, I'm new to the forums, I think my question could in this section since it deals with physics and experimentation. I'm trying to do some test on the Mun about conservation of energy, TLDR at the bottom So I'm applying a problem from a dynamics workbook, which is that supposing that a lunar module can safely land on the Moon if the magnitude of it's vertical velocity at impact is no greater than 5 m/s, at what height can the LM land if it has a vertical velocity of 2 m/s downward or vertical, I already have the answer for the workbook problem (6.4814 m )but when trying it out on KSP I'm having problem on the execution. For example I can't always get to the desired height or get the velocity of 2 m/s, I've installed Kerbal Engineer Redux to make this easier since the UI doesn't give an exact measurement of the height and vertical velocity, I have also tried to use MechJeb's ascent guidance to get the desired height but since it's for orbits it always flips the lander side ways. From seeing the mod section for command and control I guess I could install Time Control 2 and/or kOS to have greater control over the lander. Any help with solving my problem would be greatly appreciated TLDR: Is there a mod or a way in vanilla KSP to set a target altitude and vertical velocity?
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