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Everything posted by stagnantlamp

  1. Thanks for the help, got most of it working now. However my cockpit is missing a couple of instruments like the gimbal and altimeter. Could i be missing a dependency or something perhaps? P.S. sorry about double post, can't delete them.
  2. When I initially installed it I had lots (and i mean way to many) mods installed. So i've tried just these mods only and i got most of it working (i'm just missing the center gimbal and altimeter instruments). Thank you for the help. Here's a screenshot of the cockpit i see with the instruments missing: https://imgur.com/gallery/jGR0L0q
  3. Hey, I downloaded this mod recently in the hopes that i'd be able to get that F-15C inline cockpit. So i downloaded it but was left with the old cockpit and this other blank one. Can anybody help me figure this out?
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